This unused Chicago Day ticket is from Dr. Neil Gale's personal collection.

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A Brief Summary of the 1893 World's Fair
Dr. Gale, thank you for sharing the history of the World's Columbian Exposition, aka Chicago World's Fair. Interestingly, the Fair was initially planned for 1892 but was delayed and eventually opened to the public on May 1, 1893. The fairgrounds covered 600 acres and attracted more than 26 million visitors over the next six months.

It is also fascinating to know that the Fair celebrated Christopher Columbus' voyage and showcased a rebuilt and vibrant Chicago after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. It must have been an incredible experience for the attendees to witness the various exhibits, educational congresses, lectures, technology, and gadgets of the time.

Lastly, it is remarkable to learn that the largest crowd of the Fair was on "Chicago Day," which was held on Monday, October 9, 1893, the day after the anniversary of the Chicago Fire. It shows how resilient and proud the people of Chicago were despite facing such a devastating disaster. Thank you for sharing this piece of history.

1893 World's Columbian Exposition ARTICLES & PAPERS

115 Views of The World's Columbian Exposition, pub:1893 - [555MB @ 600dpi]
191 Original Photographs; Glimpses of the World's Fair, pub:1893 - [2GB high-resolution b/w]
Official Art Gallery Illustrated, World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893 [with 336 engravings]
Shepp's World's Fair Photographed. pub:1893
Winters Art Lithographing Company's Popular Portfolios of the WCE. pub:1891
World's Columbian Exposition and Views of Chicago, Art Souvenir. pub:1892
World's Fair Through a Camera, Snap-Shots by an Artist. pub:1893

Even experienced historians can get caught up with all kinds of emotions when confronted with past insensitivities. Doing so is termed PRESENTISM, the introduction of present-day ideas and perspectives into depictions or interpretations of the past. Please... don't judge the morality of the past by today's standards. Turn that frustration into a positive learning/teaching experience. Pass your knowledge forward.

Negro Day, August 25, 1893, at the WCE. (aka Colored Peoples' Day) 


A Week at the Fair; Exhibits and Wonders of the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Advanced Guide to the World's Fair. pub:1893
After Four Centuries, the World's Fair, the Discovery of America. pub:1893
American Products, Illustrated Columbian Exposition. pub:1894
Analyses of Cereals Collected at WCE, Comparisons with Other Data. pub:1895
Art and Handicraft in the Woman's Building of the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1894
Art Souvenir World's Columbian Exposition and Views of Chicago. pub:1893
Art, History, Midway Plaisance and World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Artistic Guide to Chicago and the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Authentic Guide to Chicago and the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Authentic Visitors' Guide to the World's Columbian Exposition and Chicago. pub:1893
Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery, World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1892
Board of World's Fair Managers; Montana Reports; Executive Commissioner. pub:1892
Catalogue of Stratigraphical Collection of Canadian Rocks for the WCE. pub:1893
Catalogue of the Agricultural Products Exhibited by Japan in the WCE. pub:1893
Catalogue of the Brazilian Section at the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Catalogue of the Exhibits of the State of Pennsylvania at the WCE. pub:1893 
Catalogue of the Russian Section, World's Columbian Commission. pub:1893
Catalogue of Wells Fargo and Company Historical Exhibit at the WCE. pub:1893
Catholic Educational Exhibit Final Report, World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Chicago and the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893 [fold-out]
Chicago by Day and Night. The Pleasure Seekers Guide. pub:1892
Chicago Times Portfolio of the Midway Types, World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Classification of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago in 1893. pub:1893
Columbia from Discovery in 1492 to the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1892
Columbian Congress of the Universalist Church for the WCE. pub:1893
Columbian Exposition Album Views of the Grounds and Other Interesting Objects. pub:1893
Columbian Exposition and Chicago's Wonders. pub:1893 [Visitor Guide]
Columbian Memorial Songs, Historical Geography and Maps, WCE. pub:1892
Columbian Portfolio of Photographs of the World's Fair. pub:1893
Columbian Souvenir Album, a Memento of the World's Fair. pub:1892
Conkey's Complete Guide to the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Dedicatory and Opening Ceremonies of the WCE with Illustrations. pub:1893
Diagrams of World's Fair Buildings Showing Location of Exhibits. pub:1893
Egyptian Pantheon, an Explanatory Catalouge of Egyptian Antiquities. pub:1893
Exposition Study Classes (Outlined), World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Favorite Dishes. A Columbian Autograph Souvenir Cookery Book, pub: 1893
Final Report of the California World's Fair Commission, All Exhibits from California. pub:1894
General Regulations for Foreign Exhibitors at the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1891
German Village and German Castle, Midway Plaisance - World's Fair
Guide to the Columbian World's Fair, Chicago, Illinois. pub:1892
Guide to the Irish Industrial Village and Blarney Castle. pub:1893
Hand-Book of the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1892
Handy Guide to Chicago and World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1892
Historical World's Columbian Exposition and Chicago Guide. pub:1892
History of the Work of Connecticut Women at the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1898
History of the WCE Held in Chicago in 1893. pub:1893  - Volumes - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04
Illinois Building and Exhibits Therein at the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Indiana at the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Interesting Exhibits with Their Locations in the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1892
International Folk-Lore Congress of the World's Columbian Exposition, July 1893. pub:1898
International Mathematical Congress at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1896
Jamaica at the Columbian Exposition; World's Fair Jamaica at Chicago. pub:1893
Japanese Woman's Commission for the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Jersey Herd at the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. pub:1894
Joint Conference of Boards of Control of the WCE, Dec 9th-11th, 1891. pub:1892
Lecture on What You Missed in not Visiting the World's Fair. pub:1895
Martin's World's Fair Album, Atlas, and Family Souvenir. pub:1892
Midway Plaisance at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. pub:2017
Musical Instruments at the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1895
Official Catalogue of the Illinois Woman's Exposition Board. pub:1893
Official Guide to the Grounds & Buildings of the WCE During Construction. pub:1892
Official Guide to the WCE, Full Information of All Features of the Exposition. pub:1893
Official Directory of the WCE, May 1st to October 30th. A Reference Book. pub:1893
Official Manual; Board of Lady Managers of the World's Columbian Commission. pub:1891
Official Manual; WCE, Minutes and Official Data, June-Nov 1890. pub:1890
Official Plans and Diagrams of Exhibit Buildings in the WCE. pub:1893
Official Souvenir Programme, Dedicatory Ceremonies World's Columbian Exposition.
Official Views of the World's Columbian Exposition by Department of Photography. pub:1893
Papers Prepared for the World's Library Congress Held at the WCE. pub:1896
Parliament of Religions and Religious Congresses at the WCE. pub:1894
Poems of the White City, by Daniel Oscar Loy. pub:1893
Report of the Board of General Managers of the State of New York Exhibit. pub:1894
Report of the Commissioners from Connecticut of the WCE of 1893 at Chicago. pub:1898  
Report of the Committee on Awards of the World's Columbian Commission. pub:1901
Report of the Fifth Universal Peace Congress, August 14-20, 1893, at WCE. pub:1893
Report of the Illinois Horticultural Board Fruit Exhibit at the World's Fair. pub:1893
Report of the Iowa Columbian Commission at the WCE Chicago 1893. pub:1895
Report of the Kansas Board of World's Fair Managers. pub:1893
Report of the Massachusetts Board of World's Fair Managers, WCE. pub:1894
Report of the Oregon World's Fair Commission to the Legislative Session. pub:1894
Report of the President to the Board of Directors of the WCE, 1892-1893. pub:1898
Report of the United States Fish Commission at the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1896
Report on the World's Columbian Exposition of the Canadian Section. pub:1892
Review of the World's Religious Congresses of the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Russian Ministry of Public Education at the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Samantha at the World's Fair. pub:1893
Six months at the World's Fair. pub:1893
Short Summary; World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, 1893.
Souvenir of Dedicatory Ceremonies; Iowa State Building, Jackson Park, Chicago, 10/22/1893.
Souvenir of the Illinois Dairy Exhibit, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. pub:1893
Souvenir of the World's Columbian Exposition in Photo-Gravure. pub:1893
Souvenir of  Women and Wives of Prominent Officials Connected with the WCE. pub:1892
State of Pará, Brazil, Notes for the Exposition of Chicago. pub:1893
Street in Cairo, World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
System of Classification for the World's Columbian Exposition, First Draft. pub:1893
Twelve Bronze Falcons Exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition. pub:1893
Views and Description of the Columbian Exhibition Buildings. pub:1893
Views of the World's Fair and Midway Plaisance. pub:1894
WCE a Complete History of the Enterprise. pub:1893
WCE and Chicago Guide, Illustrated from Official Drawings. pub:1892
WCE and the City of Chicago Viewed from an English Standpoint. pub:1892
WCE Chicago Bureau of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. pub:1893 [Visitor Guide]
WCE Classification and Rules, Department of Liberal Arts. pub:1893
WCE Official Catalogue, Agriculture and Dairy Buildings. pub:1893
WCE Official Catalogue, Transportation Exhibits, Special Buildings, Lagoon. pub:1893
WCE Plan and Classification, Ethnology, Archeology, History, etc. pub:1892
WCE Pocket Record Book, Illustrated with Cuts and Maps. pub:1893
WCE Sketch Book, Indexed Bird's-Eye View of the Grounds. pub:1892
WCE U.S. "Snapshots" Independent, National, and Memorial Encyclopedia. pub:1892
WCE via the Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois. pub:1900 

And Special Celebrations at the World's Columbian Exposition.
From the private collection of Dr. Neil Gale.

The special-day assignments were in the hands of the Committee on Ceremonies. The task was difficult, as the demand far exceeded the number of days on which the Exposition was open, and it became necessary to assign several celebrations to the exact date. No serious complications followed as space and attendance gave ample opportunity for this arrangement. The States celebrated something notable in their histories; foreign nations the birthday or coronation day of their sovereigns; and other days of special memories were recognized, as John Adams prophesied for the Fourth of July, "with the sound of cannon and ringing of bells; with speeches, bonfires, and illuminations."

All these special celebrations were occasions of great interest, not confined to those particularly concerned but united heartily by the multitudes assembled. Much credit is due to the Committee on Ceremonies and to Mr. Millet of the Department of Functions, who gave time and thought to prepare the entertainments, many of which were unique. All of which were fitly prepared and successfully carried into effect.

                    » Alabama Editors Day, July 25, 1893
                    » Ancient Order of Forresters' Day, August 12, 1893
                    » Amateur Athletic Day, September 13, 1893
                    » Ancient Order of United Workman's Day, (date needed)
                    » Argentina Independence Day, July 9, 1893
                    » Arrival of the Spanish Caravels at the Fair, July 7, 1893
                    » Arrival of the Viking Ship from Bergen, Norway,
                      (left; April 30th), arrived in 74 days, on July 12, 1893
                    » Austria Day, August 18, 1893
                    » Bohemia Day, August 12, 1893
                    » Brazil Day, September 7, 1893
                    » British Empire Day, August 19, 1893
                    » Brooklyn Day, June 27, 1893
                    » Buffalo Day, August 23, 1893
                    » Bunker Hill Day, June 17, 1893
                    » Butchers' Day, August 30, 1893
                    » Caledonian Day, July 27, 1893
                    » California Day, September 9, 1893
                    » California Pioneer Day, August 5, 1893
                    » Catholic Congress, September 5, 1893
                    » Catholic Education Day, September 2, 1893
                    » Carriage Makers' Day, October 6, 1893
                    » Chicago Day, October 9, 1893

From the private collection of Dr. Neil Gale.

                    » College-Fraternity Day, July 20, 1893
                    » Colombia Day, July 20, 1893
                    » Colorado Day, September 12, 1893
                    » Colored Peoples' Day, August 25, 1893
                    » Commercial Travelers' Day, July 26, 1893
                    » Confectioners Day, July 13, 1893
                    » Connecticut Day, October 11, 1893
                    » Costa Rica Day, September 15, 1893
                    » Dartmouth College Day, August 16, 1893
                    » Dedication Day, March 1, 1893
                    » Delaware Day, August 23, 1893
                    » Denmark Day, June 5, 1893
                    » Dominion (Canada) Day, July 1, 1893 
                    » Eulalia Day, (date needed)
                    » Excursion Train Railway Day, September 16, 1893
                    » Fireman's Day, October 10, 1893
                    » Fisherman's Day, August 9, 1893 
                    » France Day, June 14, 1893
                    » French Engineers' Day, September 11, 1893  
                    » Germany Day, June 15, 1893
                    » Grand Army of the Republic Day, September 9, 1893
                    » Grocers' Day, August 30, 1893
                    » Guatemala Day, July 3, 1893
                    » Hayti Day, August 16, 1893
                    » Hebrew Religious Congress, August 28, 1893
                    » Heroes Day, July 16, 1893
                    » Hungarian Day, August 20, 1893
                    » Illinois Day, August 24, 1893
                    » Illinois Press-Association Day, June 16, 1893
                    » Independence Day, July 4, 1893
                    » Independent Order of Foresters Day, August 12, 1893
                    » Indiana Day, August 22, 1893
                    » International Eisteddfod Day, September 5, 1893
                    » Iowa Day, September 12, 1893
                    » Irish Day, September 30, 1893
                    » Italian Day, October 12, 1893
                    » Izaak Walton's Day, August 9, 1893
                    » Jewish Woman's Congress, September 5, 1893
                    » Kansas Day, September 15, 1893
                    » Keeley Day, September 15, 1893
                    » Knights of Honor Day, (date needed)
                    » Knights of Pythias Day, August 9, 1893
                    » Liberia Day, July 26, 1893
                    » Louisiana Day, August 10, 1893
                    » Machinery-Hall Day, August 26, 1893
                    » Maine Day, May 24, 1893
                    » Manhattan Day, October 21, 1893

From the private collection of Dr. Neil Gale.

                    » Massachusetts Day, June 17, 1893
                    » Mechanical Engineers' Day, July 31, 1893
                    » Merchant Tailors' Day, August 21, 1893
                    » Mexico Day, September 15, 1893
                    » Michigan Days, September 13-14, 1893
                    » Millers Day, June 29, 1893
                    » Minnesota Day, October 13, 1893
                    » Missouri Day, August 30, 1893
                    » Montana Day, September 20, 1893
                    » National Union Day, August 2, 1893
                    » Negro Day, August 25, 1893
                    » Nebraska Day, June 8, 1893
                    » Netherlands Day, August 31, 1893
                    » Nevada Day, September 18, 1893
                    » New Hampshire Day, June 26, 1893
                    » New Mexico Day, September 27, 1893
                    » New South Wales Day, August 1, 1893
                    » New York Day, September 4, 1893
                    » Nicaragua Day, September 1, 1893
                    » North Carolina Day, August 18, 1893
                    » North Dakota Day, June 20, 1893
                    » Norway Day, May 17, 1893
                    » Odd Fellows Day, September 26, 1893
                    » Ohio Day, September 14, 1893
                    » Ottoman Empire Day, August 31, 1893
                    » Paper Day, September 6, 1893
                    » Patriotic Sunday, July 2, 1893
                    » Pennsylvania Day, September 7, 1893
                    » Poets' Day, August 30, 1893 
                    » Polish Day, (date needed)
                    » Princess Eulalia Day, June 8, 1893
                    » Railroad Day, (date needed)
                    » Rhode Island Day, October 5, 1893
                    » Russia Day, August 3, 1893
                    » Scotland Day, August 4, 1893
                    » Shoe and Leather Day, September 12, 1893
                    » Silver Day, September 11, 1893
                    » South Dakota Day, July 12, 1893
                    » Spain Day, October 12, 1893
                    » Stationary Engineers' Day, September 9, 1893
                    » Stenographers' Day, July 22, 1893
                    » Sweden Day, July 20, 1893
                    » Texas Day, July 29, 1893
                    » Trainmens' Day, (date needed)
                    » Transportation Day, September 9, 1893
                    » Travelers' Protective Association Day, June 10, 1893
                    » Turner Bund Day, July 26, 1893
                    » United Cities Day, (date needed)
                    » Utah Day, September 9, 1893
                    » Venezuela Day, July 5, 1893  
                    » Vermont Day, September 15, 1893
                    » Veterans' Days, September 11-14, 1893
                    » Virginia Day, August 9, 1893
                    » Washington Day, May 17, 1893
                    » West Virginia Day, August 23, 1893
                    » Western New York Day, August 23, 1893
                    » Wheelmen's Night, August 10, 1893
                    » Wisconsin Day, September 6, 1893