Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Racism at Chicago's 1893 World's Columbian Exposition.

In historical writing and analysis, PRESENTISM introduces present-day ideas and perspectives into depictions or interpretations of the past. Presentism is a form of cultural bias that creates a distorted understanding of the subject matter. Reading modern notions of morality into the past is committing the error of presentism. Historical accounts are written by people and can be slanted, so I try my hardest to present fact-based and well-researched articles.

Facts don't require one's approval or acceptance.

I present [PG-13] articles without regard to race, color, political party, or religious beliefs, including Atheism, national origin, citizenship status, gender, LGBTQ+ status, disability, military status, or educational level. What I present are facts — NOT Alternative Facts — about the subject. You won't find articles or readers' comments that spread rumors, lies, hateful statements, and people instigating arguments or fights.

When I write about the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, I follow this historical terminology:
  • The use of old commonly used terms, disrespectful today, i.e., REDMAN or REDMEN, SAVAGES, and HALF-BREED are explained in this article.
Writing about AFRICAN-AMERICAN history, I follow these race terms:
  • "NEGRO" was the term used until the mid-1960s.
  • "BLACK" started being used in the mid-1960s.
  • "AFRICAN-AMERICAN" [Afro-American] began usage in the late 1980s.


The World's Columbian Exposition held in Chicago in 1893 symbolized the ascendancy of the United States among the world powers. It reflected the self-confidence and optimism of America in an age in which its citizens believed to be the most advanced in history. Negroes, only one generation removed from slavery, viewed the Exposition enthusiastically as a showcase for Negro achievement. In practice, however, they found themselves excluded from prestigious positions on the Exposition Commission, almost completely barred from all but menial employment, and practically unrepresented in the exhibits. 
The "Official Catalogue (10¢, $3.00 today) of Exhibits on the Midway Plaisance of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition" advertised the South Sea Islands Village performances. Performers line up before the show "the songs and dances of Samoa, Fiji, Romutah and Wallis Islands" at the South Sea Island Theatre. Admission was 25¢  ($8.00 today).

Because all its buildings had white exteriors, the fair was nicknamed "The White City," but Negro visitors dubbed it "the great American white elephant," or "the white American's World's Fair." Negroes sharply disagreed among themselves concerning the most effective methods of dealing with the discrimination they encountered, but they agreed in their disappointment and disillusionment.

The Exposition received official recognition from the United States government and was financed partly by Congressional appropriations. In 1890, President Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) appointed a large national commission representing all the states and territories to supervise plans for the celebration. Negroes were hurt when they learned that the entire commission was "simon-pure (absolutely genuine) and lily-white (a person or organization that rejects any culture other than white Americans)'' and charged that a Negro commissioner was unthinkable to the President because the appointment "would savor too much of sentimentality, and be ... distasteful to the majority of the commissioners themselves.

Leaders in the National Convention of Colored Men and the Negro Press Association urged the President to add a Negro to the Commission. The humiliation of being ignored by the White House was almost equaled by the embarrassment of begging for what Negroes regarded as their right to representation. In March 1891, Harrison assured one delegation of Negroes that he was sympathetic but that there were simply no vacancies on the Commission. However, he named Hale G. Parker, a St. Louis school principal, as an alternate commissioner shortly afterward. Negroes might not have protested if this token appointment had been made initially. Still, when the selection was announced, Harrison was criticized because Parker's duties were of a "nonactive character." 

Furthermore, the President was held at least partly responsible for the absence of Negroes from the Exposition's Board of Lady Managers,' headed by Mrs. Potter Palmer, a Chicago socialite originally from Kentucky. This board contained nine Chicagoans and two members and two alternates from each state and territory. The board members ignored requests by Negroes for representation and appointed a white woman from Kentucky "to represent the colored people." The Lady Managers pointed to dissension among various Chicago "factions of Negroes," each one clamoring for recognition to justify this action. The Negro factions were indeed feuding with each other, and the Lady Managers circulated the document widely with the following patronizing passage:

The Board of Lady Managers would most earnestly urge the leaders of the various factions to sacrifice all ambition for personal advancement and work together for the good of the whole, thus seizing this great opportunity to show the world what marvelous growth and advancement have been made by the colored race and what a magnificent future is before them.

Negroes realized that they had received an intended slight from the aristocratic Mrs. Palmer.

As late as the end of 1891, the colored women of Chicago were still fighting with each other. The appointment of a Negro, Mrs. Fannie Barrier Williams, prominent club woman, civic worker, and wife of the lawyer S. Laing Williams, to the Fair's Bureau of Publicity, was allegedly dropped because several other Negroes considered her objectionable. The Freeman considered the feuding in Chicago as all too typical of race behavior in many cities: "It is a hellish, disgraceful and lamentable characteristic of the Negro race, to be the first to pull down their own ... because of jealousy and envy. ... Talk about race pride, there is no such thing." 

On December 30, 1892, Exposition officials announced the appointment of a Negro, Mrs. A. M. Curtis, wife of a prominent physician, as Secretary of Colored Interests. Mrs. Curtis was supposed to see that exhibits by Negroes received fair play, but a Chicago daily newspaper pointed out that although her desk was in Mrs. Palmer's office, she had no real power. 
Chicago Tribune, Saturday, December 31, 1892.
The transparent gesture placated no one, and the Cleveland Gazette charged that she was only "a sort of general utility clerk" whose real task was "to get Negroes in line." Within a few months, she resigned, her brief stay only emphasizing that Negroes were excluded from prestigious, policy-making positions.

Frederick Douglass and the noted anti-lynching crusader, Ida B. Wells, decided that visitors to the Fair should know that Negroes were "studiously kept out of representation in any official capacity and given menial places." Through the Negro press, they asked the Negro public to contribute five thousand dollars toward printing the booklet, "The Reason Why The Colored American Is Not In The World's Columbian Exposition" (pdf). Since the document was intended primarily for foreign visitors, the authors proposed to distribute the booklet, without charge, in English, French, German, and Spanish editions. 

This suggestion was condemned scathingly by many Negro editors. The Methodist Union denied the existence of discrimination. It held that no other ethnic minorities in the United States would print such a booklet, which was "calculated to make Negroes the butt of ridicule in the eyes... of the world. We are," the Methodist Union insisted, "going to Chicago as American citizens," not "as an odd race." The accommodating Indianapolis Freeman argued that although Negroes suffered from racial discrimination, they demeaned themselves by publicly admitting it to foreign visitors. The editor cautioned that foreigners could not ameliorate (make something bad better) the conditions under which Negroes were forced to live. Those complaints about mistreatment would increase white hostility in the United States. The Douglass-Wells booklet was also condemned because Negroes should conserve wealth instead of wasting it. One journal held that $5,000 could be spent more wisely by establishing a national orphan asylum. Another objected to a public solicitation because the collection of nickels and dimes from washerwomen furnished ammunition to believers in the "infantile mental and financial capacity of Negroes."

The Cleveland Gazette, Afro-American Advocate, Coffeyville, Kansas (1891-1893); Philadelphia Tribune; Richmond Planet; and Topeka Call were among the newspapers supporting Douglass and Miss Wells. They held that every Negro should lend financial support to the venture because the entire race would benefit from the broadest possible distribution of the booklet. The Topeka Call especially condemned the jealousy of those editors who were "pouring hot shot" on Douglass. In mid-1893, four months after the Douglass-Wells appeal to the Negro press for funds, the contributions received were described by Miss Wells as "very few and far between." Since only a few hundred dollars had been collected, the authors limited themselves to an edition in English.

Not only was there a lack of Negro representation on the honorary committees, but there was also discrimination in employment. Aside from porters, the Negro staff included only an Army chaplain detailed from the War Department, a nurse, two messengers, and three or four clerks. One of these "under clerks" worked in the Bureau of Publicity as the representative of the Negro press. The Chicago Conservator and the Indianapolis Freeman complained that the post should have been given to an editor of a Negro weekly, but "the assignment of any colored man of national reputation to any work in the World's Fair management is apparently against the policy of the powers that be."

It is doubtful whether Negro visitors experienced discrimination at the restaurants and amusements on the Exposition grounds. In a survey of several Negro newspapers, the writers found only one instance of racial exclusion at the Fair. In August 1893, the Indianapolis Freeman reported that a Negro woman from Lexington was refused entertainment in the Kentucky Building at the Fair. Perhaps the buildings of other Southern states also discriminated against Negro visitors, but in the Negro press, there were no references to such treatment. However, there were accounts of Negroes having dined in the California building and the Bureau of Public Comfort. If racial discrimination had been pervasive, almost certainly, that fact would have been mentioned by Negroes visiting Chicago for meetings of the Colored Men's Protective Association and other organizations. The Chicago press reported complaints by Negroes against the Exposition management, but discrimination in public accommodations was not among the grievances.
The Chicago Times newspaper (1854 until 1895  when it merged with the Chicago Herald), publisher of the picture book "Portfolio of the Midway Types," said of the Dahomey Village: “Its inhabitants were just the sort of people the managers of the Exposition did not attend banquet or surfeit (an excessive amount) with receptions.

An important issue on which Negroes divided sharply related to the nature and character of the participation by Negroes in the exhibits. Basically, Negroes wanted representation without discrimination, but when discrimination became apparent many urged that a separate area for exhibits by Negroes would be desirable. The New York Age noted that few Negroes would have pressed for a Negro Annex if they had not been ignored so consistently by the Exposition officials. Many Negroes opposed any type of segregation, and late in 1890, a Chicago mass meeting adopted a resolution presented by Ferdinand L. Barnett, a prominent lawyer and one of the founders of the Conservator, urging those Exposition officials to make a special effort to encourage exhibits by Negroes and to display them in appropriate departments throughout the Fair. On the other hand, desiring to ensure participation by Negroes and to allow them to demonstrate advancement, J.C. Price, the president of Livingstone College and of the Afro-American League and, at the time, one of the half-dozen leading Negroes in the country, suggested that the Exposition should feature a Negro Annex or Negro department. Another Negro criticized any Negro who was "willing to dump his handiwork into a promiscuous heap with all nations and still expect identical credit. ... If we possess genius, our white brother assumes that the fact has not been established to his satisfaction . ... Under this condition can we afford to forego any and all legitimate means to make a place for ourselves?" 

Pressed by both sides, the board of managers listened to neither. In the spring of 1891, it ruled against racially separate exhibits. Still, instead of making a special effort to encourage Negroes to exhibit throughout the Fair, they told them to submit their displays to screening committees established in the various states. Since the great majority of Negroes lived in the South, it was evident that they could expect little attention to their interests at best. Yet Negroes attempted to follo\v the advice of Fair officials. Several newspapers urged the formation of local industrial associations to awaken interest in producing exhibits; readers were advised to forget past insults and prove to the world that they were not a passive, dependent, and uncreative people. However, few such organizations were set up, although the Negro World Columbian Association asked to be notified of "all handiwork or creditable evidence" that could be displayed suitably in Chicago. The Columbian Association and other groups petitioned Congress for a collection and compilation of statistics demonstrating the progress of Negroes since Emancipation to be displayed as part of the United States government exhibit at the Fair. Still, the legislators in Washington refused to pass the bill.
The Dahomey Village at the California Midwinter Fair, 1894.

Hale Parker, the Negro appointed alternate Commissioner, initially endorsed the managers' decision on the exhibits and regarded a Negro Annex as "offensive and defensive" and held that "We wish ... to be measured by the universal yardstick and if we fall short the world knows why. But for one, I do not fear the test, and those who have ... made a careful observation of the material progress of the colored people have no reason to fear an eclipse in the glory and grandeur of the fair." Later, however, candidly admitting his inability to influence Exposition officials, he conceded that exhibits by Negroes "in many instances, would have to be submitted to the judgment of their enemies in States of the Union not likely to court or encourage the "social equality" of exhibits and the commercial brotherhood of their producers." Nevertheless, fearing that discrimination by the Exposition managers would cause some potential Negro exhibitors to boycott the Exposition as an "unclean thing," Parker condemned false racial pride. "Nothing short of prohibition from the fairgrounds could operate as a valid reason for not exhibiting," he insisted.

The Fair opened on May 1, 1893. Negro visitors expressed disappointment at the scarcity of exhibits by Negroes. One of them wrote: "There is a lump which comes up in my throat as I pass around through all this ... and see but little to represent us here." However, they took pride in the Haitian and Liberian pavilions. They noticed that several Negroes from New York and Philadelphia displayed needlework and drawings in the Women's Building. Booths represented Wilberforce University, Tennessee Central College (now defunct), Atlanta University, and Hampton Institute in other parts of the Exposition. 

Less edifying was a sideshow on the Midway, consisting of a Dahomey Village. Negro leaders did not approve of the Midway activities involving Africans from Dahomey, and the Dahomians objected to questions about their past cannibalism.
Dahomey Village consisted of three houses, one fitted up for a museum, a group of huts for the women, and others for the men. In addition, there were four open sheds used for cooking. The rustic front of the exhibit was constructed of wood brought from Dahomey, and on platforms on each side of the gates were seated two sentinel warriors of that country attired in their native costume. There were forty women and sixty men in the village. The various dances and other ceremonials peculiar to these people were exhibited, and their songs, chants, and war cry were given. They also sold unique products of their mechanical skill, such as quaint hand-carved objects, domestic and warlike utensils, etc. During the later months of the Fair, it was found necessary by the fair's management to place a strange placard just outside the entrance. It was a request to all visitors that they refrain from questioning the natives of the village regarding the past cannibal habits of themselves and their ancestors, as it was very annoying to them.

Frederick Douglass contemptuously commented that the Exposition managers evidently wanted Negro Americans to be represented by the "barbaric rites" of "African savages brought here to act the monkey." 

Racism seems to have been planned in advance by the fair's board of directors.

On the Midway Plaisance, a mile long and 600 feet wide strip of land, visitors encountered a lesson in “race science” and social Darwinism. Here they saw “living exhibits”— representatives of the world’s “races,” including Africans, Asians, and American Indians. The two German and two Irish villages were located nearest to the White City. The farther west you went were villages representing the Middle East, West Asia, and East Asia. So, the closer one got to the Midway exit gate at the west end of the Midway, visitors were descend to the savage races, the African of Dahomey (with a history of cannibalism) and the North American Indians, each of which has its place at the far end of the Plaisance. Fear was so prevalent that the fair management posted a placard just outside the entrance to the Dahomey village. It was a request to all visitors that they refrain from questioning the natives of the village regarding their past cannibal habits of themselves and their ancestors, as it was very annoying to them.

Undoubtedly, the best way of looking at these races was to behold them in the ascending scale, starting at the west entrance gate, moving eastward toward the 'White City" main fair, starting with the lowest specimens of humanity, reaching continually upward to the highest stage with the thought of evolution, until you arrived at the fair proper.

The fair’s organizers promoted the idea that the “savage races” were dangerous by warning that the Dahomey women are as fierce if not fiercer than the men, and all of them have to be watched day and night for fear they may use their spears for other purposes than a barbaric embellishment of their dances. The stern warning reinforced many Americans’ fears that negroes could not be trusted and were naturally predisposed to immoral and criminal behavior and thus kept away from white people through segregation.

If the proposal for a Negro Annex aroused controversy among negroes, a veritable furor arose when the Exposition managers announced a Colored Jubilee Day on August 25, 1893. To many Negroes, already infuriated by discrimination at the Exposition, the idea of a "Negro Day" was intolerable. On this issue, even Frederick Douglass and Ida Wells were in disagreement.

The celebration was originally suggested by several Negroes on the East Coast who proposed that a day be set aside for folk music, speeches, and general thanksgiving. Exposition officials agreed, having already scheduled similar celebrations for Swedish, German, Irish, and other nationalities. Douglass lauded this opportunity to display Negro culture and "the real position" of Negroes. However, Miss Wells declared that the celebration was a mockery intended to patronize them. She accused Exposition officials of seeking to entice lower-class Negroes by providing two thousand watermelons. The degrading vision she presented was quite different from Douglass' portrait: 

The sell-respect of the race is sold for a mess of pottage and the spectacle of the class of our people who will come on that excursion roaming around the grounds munching watermelon will do more to lower the race in the estimation of the world than anything else. The sight of the horde that would be attracted there by the dazzling prospect of plenty of free watermelons to eat, will give our enemies all the illustration they wish as an excuse for not treating the negroes with the equality of other citizens. 

Miss Wells received plenty of newspaper support. The Cleveland Gazette advised self-respecting Negroes to ignore the Exposition since the only privilege they received was to spend money there. The Topeka Call approvingly published a memorial written by a group of Negroes in Chicago, who insisted that since "there is to be no 'white American citizen's day,' why should there be a 'colored American citizen's day'?" 

As the celebration approached, prominent Negroes such as the former Congressman J . Mercer Langston and the famous singer Sisserietta Jones (the "Black Patti") refused to participate. The Colored Men's Protective Association, which held its national meetings in Chicago, would not endorse the program. A group of Chicago ministers planned suburban excursions to discourage attendance by Negroes. 

Douglass, who insisted that Negro Day (aka Colored People's Day) was a small but valuable concession extracted from racist Fair officials, was annoyed by the "petulance" of the editors and in a lecture to them, claimed that "all we have ever received has come to us in small concessions and it is not the part of wisdom to despise the day of small things." The Negro promoters of the celebration tried to ensure a large audience by working through Negro fraternal organizations. Obviously, the sponsors were on the defensive because they assured Negroes that Colored People's Day would not be an occasion of discredit or ridicule and pleaded with them to come and show whites how "refined, dignified, and cultured" Negroes really were.

Contemporary accounts in the Negro press differ on the degree to which the celebration was a success. The Indianapolis Freeman reported that less than a thousand Negroes showed up, while the Topeka Call estimated several thousand entered the Exposition grounds. Besides Douglass, notables on the platform included Bishops Henry M. Turner of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and Alexander Walters of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. The rising young poet, Paul Laurence Dunbar, recited his poem, "The Colored American." Musical selections were presented by the concert singers Harry T. Burleigh and Madame Delseria Plato. Even the Freeman, which recorded the occasion as a "dismal failure," agreed that the musical portion of the program was "a glittering success."

Douglass, giving the main address of the day, used the occasion not to praise the Fair but to vindicate the progress made by Negro Americans despite conditions of persecution and injustice and to denounce the policies of the fair managers. He denied "with scorn and indignation the allegation ... that our small participation in this World's Columbian Exposition is due either to our ignorance or to our want of public spirit." That Negroes were "outside of the World's Fair is only consistent with the fact that we are excluded from every respectable calling." He excoriated Northern whites for catering to their former enemies in the white South were cheating, whipping, and killing Negroes were everyday occurrences while at the same time discriminating against Negroes, who were their friends. "In your fawning upon these cruel slayers, you slap us in the face. With the same shallow prejudice which keeps us in the lowering rank in your estimation, this exposition denied mere recognition to eight million and one-tenth of its own people. Kentucky and the rest object, and thus you see not a colored face in a single worthy place on these grounds. ... Why in Heaven's name," he exclaimed, "do you take to your breast the serpent that once stung, and crush down the race that grasped the saber and helped make the nation one and therefore the exposition possible?" 

Ida Wells was so impressed when she read the reports of this speech in the newspapers that she immediately apologized to the distinguished elder statesman. Douglass' speech had articulated brilliantly Negro alienation and disillusionment with the actions of Northern whites in general and with the fair in particular. In fact, he made it crystal clear that for Negroes the fair symbolized not the material progress of America but a moral regression — the reconciliation of the North and South at the expense of Negroes.  

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D. 

Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Story of Chicago’s Forgotten World’s Fair.

In historical writing and analysis, PRESENTISM introduces present-day ideas and perspectives into depictions or interpretations of the past. Presentism is a form of cultural bias that creates a distorted understanding of the subject matter. Reading modern notions of morality into the past is committing the error of presentism. Historical accounts are written by people and can be slanted, so I try my hardest to present fact-based and well-researched articles.

Facts don't require one's approval or acceptance.

I present [PG-13] articles without regard to race, color, political party, or religious beliefs, including Atheism, national origin, citizenship status, gender, LGBTQ+ status, disability, military status, or educational level. What I present are facts — NOT Alternative Facts — about the subject. You won't find articles or readers' comments that spread rumors, lies, hateful statements, and people instigating arguments or fights.

When I write about the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, I follow this historical terminology:
  • The use of old commonly used terms, disrespectful today, i.e., REDMAN or REDMEN, SAVAGES, and HALF-BREED are explained in this article.
Writing about AFRICAN-AMERICAN history, I follow these race terms:
  • "NEGRO" was the term used until the mid-1960s.
  • "BLACK" started being used in the mid-1960s.
  • "AFRICAN-AMERICAN" [Afro-American] began usage in the late 1980s.


After a half-century of segregation, a “Negro Building” at state, national, and world fairs didn't cut it anymore. So Chicago negro entrepreneurs organized what would be hailed as “The First Negro World’s Fair,” timed to coincide with the Democratic National Convention held at the Chicago Stadium from July 15 to July 18, 1940, launching the third term candidacy of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The 1940 Democratic National Convention was the first to have a negro address the convention, and there were seven negro delegates.

Originally intended to mark the jubilee of the abolition of slavery, the American Negro Exposition became a landmark tribute to 20th century Negro achievement. More than a quarter-million fairgoers would view the exhibits that filled the 100,000 square foot Chicago Coliseum from July 4th thru September 2nd.

The American African Exposition of 1940 was held at the Chicago Coliseum located at 1513 South Wabash Avenue in the South Loop community. The event only ran for two months but took years to plan and received officials' endorsements ranging from Chicago's Mayor Edward Joseph Kelly all the way up to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The National Pythian Temple, Chicago, Illinois

There was interest in an exhibition noting the accomplishments of negroes at the 1933/34 Century of Progress World’s Fair, but the plans never materialized. An exhibition, known as the "African and American Negro Exposition," did come together but was held 2½ miles northeast (as the crow flys) of the Century of Progress World's Fairgrounds in the National Pythian Temple at 3737 South State Street in Chicago’s Bronzeville community. 

The site of that African Exposition was significant, as the Temple, designed in 1927 by African American architect Walter Thomas Bailey, was promoted as the “largest building financed, designed, and built by negroes.” However, its distance from the fairgrounds failed to attract a worldwide audience. Attendees were mostly from local negro communities. (The Temple was razed in 1980).

Planning for a much larger fair began in December 1934, just a few months after the Century of Progress International Exposition closed its second year. The United Cooperative League of America, Inc. was also organized in December 1934 in Chicago, with real estate businessman James W. Washington as founder and first president. Over the next five years, Washington was said to have traveled more than 135,000 miles securing endorsements for what he originally called the “Afra-Merican Emancipation Exposition.” It was to be held in 1940, the 75th anniversary of the emancipation of the slaves at the close of the Civil War. He secured the rental of the Chicago Coliseum for $22,500 ($458,000 today) on his own signature and reputation. He later received an appropriation from the State of Illinois for $75,000 ($1.4 million today), later matched by the U.S. Congress. 
Plans for a special exhibit at the American Negro Exposition detailing the history of the Negro press from John Russworm's "Freedom's Journal" to [then] present day were discussed at this meeting by representatives of leading newspapers and the Exposition. The photograph, taken at Exposition headquarters in the Appomattox Club, 3632 South Grand Boulevard (Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, today), was organized in 1900. 

The headquarters for the Exposition was 3632 South Parkway (South Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, today), although the building no longer stands. This was an important address in the black community as the former three-story stone mansion had been home to the Appomattox Club since 1920. The Club, a social and civic organization, was one of the most important gathering spots in the city for its black business and political leaders. (It closed in the late 1960s).

James Washington promoted the Exposition as “The First Real Negro World's Fair In History” and noted that its objective was to promote racial understanding and goodwill; enlighten the world on the contributions of negroes to civilization, and make negroes conscious of their dramatic progress since President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.

Washington served as president and engaged a young attorney, Truman K. Gibson, Jr., to serve as executive director. The members of the U.S. Auxiliary Committee were personally selected by President Roosevelt. Hundreds of endorsements were received, including the American Federation of Labor, the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, and the International Brotherhood of Red Caps, founded by Willard Saxly Townsend, Esq. in 1938, a union of railroad porters and other transportation employees; renamed in 1942 as a CIO affiliate.

The Exposition officially opened on Thursday, July 4, 1940, when President Roosevelt pressed a button in his Hyde Park, New York home to turn on the lights. The Entrance fee was 25¢ ($5.00 today). The keynote speaker was Chicago Mayor Kelly, who noted, in part:

“The nation pays a debt of gratitude to the Negroes today. Not alone for their contributions to the arts and sciences, not alone to the good and great names that stand out in the book of American achievement, but to the great mass of 14 million Negroes who help form the backbone of American democracy.

They deserve the good life because, in the greater part, they choose to be the good citizens. They deserve the rewards of democracy because they appreciate so well the blessings of liberty. They have given much, and they are entitled to much.”

In this hour, we need for all Americans the intense patriotic devotion of the American Negro. In the hour of peril, the American Negro has never failed his country. He will not fail it now. You may spell Afro-American with a hyphen if you will, but there is no hyphen in the Negro’s allegiance to America.”

Thursday, July 4 — Chicago Day—City Commission and Citizen's Committee
Friday, July 5 — Women's Club Day—(All Federated Women's Clubs, Northern District)
Saturday, July 6 — Illinois Manufacturers' Day
Sunday, July 7 — Churches Day—Big choruses and gospel singing (Ministers' committee)
Monday, July 8 — Athletic Day (Sports)
Tuesday, July 9 — NO EVENT
Wednesday, July 10 — Mississippi Day
Thursday, July 11 — Chicago Association of Commerce
Friday, July 12 — Florida Day
Saturday, July 13 — New York and New Jersey Day
Sunday, July 14 — Churches Day—Big choruses and gospel singing.
Monday, July 15 — Tennessee Day
Tuesday, July 16 — -Kentucky Day
Wednesday, July 17 — Louisiana Day
Thursday, July 18 — Georgia Day
Friday, July 19 — North and South Carolina Day
Saturday, July 20 — Lincoln-Illinois Day (Governor's Day) All Illinois cities
Sunday, July 21 — Churches Day—Big choruses and gospel singing.
Monday, July 22 — Virginia and West Virginia Day
Tuesday, July 23 — Booker T. Washington-Tuskegee (Alabama Day)
Wednesday, July 24 — Veterans' Day (All veterans' organizations & War Mothers)
Thursday, July 25 — Professional Men and Women's Day (professional & business clubs)
Friday, July 26 — Missouri Day (St. Louis)
Saturday, July 27 — Public School Children's Day
Sunday, July 28 — Churches Day—Big choruses and gospel singing. 
Monday, July 29 — Indiana Day (All Indiana cities)
Tuesday, July 30 — Wisconsin Day (Milwaukee)
Wednesday, July 31 — Ohio Day (Wilberforce)
Thursday, August 1 — Oklahoma Day
Friday, August 2 — Pennsylvania Day—CCC Day
Saturday, August 3 — Michigan Day (Detroit)
Sunday, August 4 — Churches Day—Big choruses and gospel singing. 
Monday, August 5 — Kansas Day
Tuesday, August 6 — American Woodmen Day
Wednesday, August 7 — Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Day
Thursday, August 8 — (Reserved)
Friday, August 9 — (Reserved)
Saturday, August 10 — Boy and Girl Scouts Day
Sunday, August 11 — Churches Day—Big choruses and gospel singing. 
Monday, August 12 — Knights of Pythias Day (all branches)
Tuesday, August 13 — African-Pan American Day and A.U.K. and D. & A.
Wednesday, August 14 — Artists' Day
Thursday, August 15 — Fisk University Day
Friday, August 16 — Ohio Day
Saturday, August 17 — Miss Bronze America Day
Sunday, August 18 — Churches Day—Big choruses and gospel singing. 
Monday, August 19 — Mason's Day (all branches)
Tuesday, August 20 — Royal Circle of Friends Day (Convention)
Wednesday, August 21 — Old Settlers' Day and Pointe De Sable Day
Thursday, August 22 — Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. Day
Friday, August 23 — Urban League and N.A.A.C.P. Day
Saturday, August 24 — Postal Alliance Day (all post offices)
Sunday, August 25 — Churches Day—Big choruses and gospel singing. 
Monday, August 26 — Arkansas Day
Tuesday, August 27 — Texas-Oklahoma Day (4-H clubs)
Wednesday, August 28 — Aviation Day
Thursday, August 29 — Chicago Clubs' Day (all civic and social clubs)
Friday, August 30 — Military Day
Saturday, August 31 — Elks' Day and Technical Day (Technicians)
Sunday, September 1 — Churches Day—Big choruses and gospel singing. 
Monday, September 2 — Labor Day—End of Fair

At the central entrance to the Exposition is the Court of Dioramas, spectacularly beautiful, historically important.

Thirty-three dioramas in all illustrate the Negro's large and valuable contributions to the progress of America and the world. In the center of the court is a replica of the Lincoln Memorial, which, like the dioramas, was produced by negroes under the personal direction of Erik Lindgren, Illinois State Director of Exhibits.

These dioramas are acclaimed by all who have seen them as the finest examples of this branch of the fine arts ever created.
The Court of Dioramas

Erik Lindgren
State Director of Exhibits
Mr. Lindgren, born in Stockholm, Sweden, and educated at a Swedish University, held commissions in the Swedish and Finnish Armies and saw service in the war between Finland and Russia. A champion athlete and an expert in skiing, he served as a ski instructor in the service of both the aforementioned armies.

Twenty-five years ago, while visiting his father on the German-Swiss border, he became interested in the art of creating dioramas and, under the tutelage of a famous Swiss builder, he was taught a method of erection of the diorama which permitted even an unskilled mechanic to produce them. After graduation from the Art Institute in Chicago, Mr. Lindgren became engaged in the production of dioramas. Over the past fifteen years, examples of his art have been exhibited throughout America and many foreign countries. He constructed the dioramas for the Century of Progress. It can be stated without reservation that he is the world's outstanding authority and designer of diorama art.

1. City of Kharnak, Building Temple.
The temple at Kharnak—a monument to the genius of forgotten artisans and builders who created the glory that once was Africa.
2. Building the Sphinx.
The mystery of time and change and man's inhumanity to man must have puzzled the dark, thoughtful men who shaped the Sphinx.
3. Ethiopians Using First Wheel.
That many uses of the wheel were known to the early Ethiopians—if not, indeed, discovered by them—is indicated by their novel means of drawing irrigation water.
4. Africans Smelting.
Glimpses of the dim age in which Africa gave the world its first smelted iron still shine in tribal scenes like this one.
5. Slave Trade in Africa.
The saga of the American Negro, "the black thread which has run through our destiny," begins with a transaction between Arabs and privateers on a sandy African beach.
6. First Slaves in Virginia.
"A Dutchman of Warre who sold us twenty Negars," came to the colonial Virginia coast in 1619.
7. Pietro Alonzo, Pilot of San Maria.
Pietro Alonzo, il Negro, captain of the "Nina." It was not always as a slave that the black man played his role in the American epic. 
8. Estevanico in Arizona, 1532.
In the "Journal of Cabeva de Vaca" Estevanico is credited with the discovery of the Zuni Indians and New Mexico, 1532.
9. Crispus Attucks, First Martyrs.
"This was the declaration of war. . . . The English-speaking world will never forget the noble daring, the excusable rashness of (Crispus) Attucks in the holy cause of liberty." —John Adams.
10. Large Cotton Plantation—Slavery Period. 
Despite a bitter Civil War and the consequent blow to the plantation economy of the South, King Cotton keeps his throne—as millions of Negroes know.
11. Matt Henson at the North Pole.
With Peary in 1909 went Matt Henson, Negro, in the search for the North Pole.
12. Drawing Water for Irrigation.
In some cases, the green hills of Africa are green because of irrigation. The device often used for truck gardening was the calabash.
13. The 10th Cavalry at San Juan Hill (1898).
One feature of the Negro's Americanization is his ready participation in the wars of his country. The assault on San Juan Hill, 1898, is an instance.
14. Georgia Slaves Defending Plantation Against British Soldiers (1779).
"There was skirmishing on Mr. McGillivray's plantation between Negroes and rebels, and the latter were driven into the woods.—Royal Georgia Gazette, November 18, 1779.
15. Isaac Murphy, King of Jockeys.
Almost gone from the American scene are the colorful, jewel-studded Negro jockeys of the past generation. But, Isaac Murphy, most brilliant of them all, is no sundown name.
16. World War I.
First American Negroes decorated for bravery in France during the World War.
17. Boy Scouts.
"I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother."
18. Gold Rush.
The epic movement of Americans to the West in the middle of the last century included many Negroes.
19. Modern Building; Port Au Prince.
Haitian progress—as exemplified by the Agricultural College—is followed with warm interest by their cousins in the U. S.
20. Beginning of Negro Business.
Negro business, unashamed of its humble beginnings, points with pride to steady, determined growth and improvement.
21. Construction of the First White House.
So pleased was Thomas Jefferson with the abilities of Benjamin Banneker that he secured for him a place on the Commission that surveyed and laid out the city of Washington, D.C.
22. Reconstruction.
Included among the "hard trials" of the familiar Spiritual, is the housing problem. Long accustomed to taking over abandoned white dwellings, the Negro finds not even these available. 
23. In the House of the Master.
Slavery destroyed household gods, severed the bonds of home, and forced the uprooted peoples of Africa to forget memories of their homeland.
24. Broken Bonds.
The throngs of Negro families who followed Sherman's advancing army made a tragic picture— a picture of the disorganization which came as a result of the dissolution of the plantation system.
25. In the House of the Mother.
A refuge from a hostile world was provided in the family circle of kinsmen and orphans under the guardianship of mother or grandmother.
26. In the House of the Father.
Upon the pioneer efforts of the freedmen who first accepted the challenge of manhood responsibilities were built the family, the church, the school, and industry.
27. In the City of Destruction.
To man the mills and factories of northern industry, a million black folk fled from feudal America to modern civilization. In the city, many simple folkways of the South were lost.
28. In the City of Rebirth.
For black men and women, the travail of civilization is not ended. Color caste is dissolving. Black workers are helping to build a new America.
29. Baptism of the Ethiopians.
30. Esquire Cartoon.
By the famous race cartoonist Simms Campbell.
31. Philip and the Ethiopians.
32. The Warm Springs Negro School.
The old Warm Springs, Georgia, Negro School.
33. New Negro School.
The new Eleanor Roosevelt School, in Warm Springs, Georgia, built in 1936. This is the last school to be built through the aid of the Julius Rosenwald Fund.

The Illinois State booth continues the exhibit of dioramas with a special study of Abraham Lincoln, the Emancipator. Outstanding in their attention to minute detail is the Berry-Lincoln Store and the Rutledge Tavern.

The Berry-Lincoln Store
The Berry-Lincoln Store, in miniature, is an exact copy of the store in New Salem, Illinois. The details in the store have been faithfully copied from the originals. A staff of artists spent two days studying the interior, making sketches, notes, and taking photographs of the building.
The Berry-Lincoln Store, New Salem, Illinois

All bottles, hay forks, plows, and barrels were constructed in scale with the building and are correct in every detail. This particular model should be of great interest to students of the great Abraham Lincoln, as it the American people because this building shows the surroundings in which he worked as a young man.
The Interior of the Lincoln-Berry Store, New Salem, Illinois.

The Ann Rutledge Tavern
Of all the buildings in New Salem, the Ann Rutledge Tavern has perhaps the most sentimental value to the American people because this building was the home of Ann Rutledge. Lincoln occupied the room upstairs when he first became a citizen of the village of New Salem, Illinois. The model is an exact replica of the tavern as it stands in Illinois' New Salem today.
The Ann Rutledge Tavern, New Salem, Illinois.

Surrounding the Court was a series of twenty murals by the talented black American artist William Edouard Scott (1884-1964), a graduate of the School of the Art Institute. 
Artist William Edouard Scott At Work (1884-1964)

Scott was one of the first to depict the “New Negro” in an uplifting way by breaking away from the subjugating images of the past. The subjects of his murals ranged from Chicago’s first permanent settler in 1790 — Jean Baptiste Pointe de Sable — farming and trading with the local Indians, to Marian Anderson singing the Star-Spangled Banner at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.  
Tanner Hall Art Galleries at the American Negro Exposition, 1940.

In Tanner Hall, there are hung ten paintings by Henry Ossawa Tanner, the supreme artist of the Negro people—ten, which means there are more "Tanners" here than have ever been gathered together in one place, more than may ever again be seen at one-time side by side.

In the entire show are three hundred separate items selected from an original entry greater than five hundred. The jury was headed by Donald Cayton Rich of the Chicago Art Institute. 

Awards given for the finest entries were medal designs struck by Hale Woodruff, himself one of the best of modern painters and designers. The exhibit falls into seven natural groups listed below. Alonzo J. Aden, of Howard University, was curator.
"The Thankful Poor," Henry Ossawa Tanner, shown at the American Negro Exposition.

1. Memorial Exhibit. 
Paintings by Henry O. Tanner.
2. Early Painters.
Paintings by E. M. Bannister and William Duncanson.
3. Memorial Exhibits.
Malvin Gray Johnson, Albert A. Smith.
4. Haimon Foundation Collection of Contemporary Negro Artists.
5. Exposition Show.
Selection of contemporary Negro Art (Eastern and Western jury selections).
6. Exhibition of African Art.
From Schomburg Collection, N. Y.; Field Museum Loan Collection, Chicago; and Emory Ross Photographic Collection, N. Y.
7. Children's and School Art.
Works of New York Artists in New York Exhibit.
Candy manufacturer Charles "Carl" Frederick Gunther built the third Coliseum at 1513 South Wabash Avenue in 1899. He purchased the Richmond, Virginia, Libby Prison, constructed as a warehouse which became a Confederate prison during the Civil War. Gunther had it dismantled, shipped to Chicago on 132 railroad cars, and rebuilt it as the Libby Prison War Museum (1889-1897), which displayed memorabilia from the Civil War. After about a decade, the old prison was torn down, except for the castellated wall (seen here) that became part of the new Chicago Coliseum behind it.

The south hall of the Coliseum contained Tanner Hall, displaying 300 paintings and sculptures and billed as “the greatest collection of Negro art ever assembled.” 

It was named in honor of artist Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937), regarded as the preeminent Negro artist of his time and the first to receive international acclaim. Ten of his paintings were displayed. 
Looking north in the Hall of Flags. The columns in the center surround the Court of Dioramas and a replica of Illinois' Lincoln Monument.

Also on display in the Hall, this limestone sculpture titled “Negro Mother and Child” was on display by Elizabeth Catlett, an African-American and Mexican artist. Completed as her master's degree thesis, the artwork won first place at the Exposition.
“Negro Mother and Child” first-place winner at the American Negro Exposition.

The Hall of Fame honored thirty-one outstanding Negroes and their contributions to art, entertainment, literature, industry, and science. Most were depicted in portraits by Persian artist Salvatore Salla. 

Among those celebrated were the agronomist George Washington Carver who discovered 300 industrial uses for the peanut; W.E.B. DuBois, the first black person to get a doctoral degree at Harvard University; the arctic explorer Matthew Henson; women’s leader Mary McLeod Bethune; Dr. Daniel Hale Williams who performed the first successful open-heart surgery; contralto Marian Anderson lauded by acclaimed conductor Arturo Toscanini as “the voice of the century”; labor leader A. Phillip Randolph; Richard Wright, whose novel “Native Son” was the first work of a black author selected by the Book of the Month Club; W.C. Handy, the father of the blues; architect Paul R. Williams at the time, the only Negro member of the American Institute of Architects; and boxing champion Joe Louis.

Live entertainment could be enjoyed in the intimate cabaret above Tanner Hall and in the theater in the north hall, which sat 4,000 people. Arna Bontemps and Langston Hughes co-wrote “Jubilee: Cavalcade of the Negro” a musical commissioned for the Exposition. The strained finances forced the exposition’s management to cancel acts that would have drawn large negro audiences like Hughes and Bontemps’ couldn’t be staged. 

Other productions included “Tropics After Dark” and a swing version of “Chimes of Normandy,” a popular French opera. Performers included Duke Ellington, baritone Paul Robeson, and dozens of dancers and choruses. Motion pictures, ranging from entertaining to educational, were screened regularly and included “The Negro in Education” produced by the Rockefeller Foundation.

The exposition’s managers were handicapped by the trade unions. The carpenters’ union charged $35,000 ($682,500 today) for installation after most of the exhibits were already built. The musicians union demanded $1,600 ($31,200 today) a week for a band that would have cost $600 a week.

Literature was another focus, and a special book, entitled Cavalcade of the American Negro, was produced by the Illinois Writers’ Project. Poet Margaret Walker, who became a prominent member of Chicago’s Black Renaissance, contributed a poem which began:

Come now, my brothers and citizens of America
and hear the strange singing of me, your brother,
and see the strange dancing of me, your daughter,
and know that I am you and you are me
and the two are as one in danger and in peace,
in plenty and in poverty,
in freedom forever,
in power, and glory and triumph.
I ask you, America,
is this not signing witness in your soul?
Who are you to deny me the right
to cast my vote in the streets of America
in the Senate halls of America?
Who are you to deny the right to speak?
I who am myself also America.
I who cleared your forests
and laid your thoroughfares.
Who are you to be presumptuous
to tell me where to ride,
and where to stand,
and where to sit?
Who are you to lynch the flesh of your flesh?
Who are you to say who shall live
and who shall die?
Who are you to tell me where to eat
and where to sleep?
Who are you, America but Me?

Every day of the Exposition was designated for a specific state, organization, or theme. Sundays were given over to various Christian denominations, from Baptist to Catholic.  

On August 21, the Pointe de Sable Memorial Society gave a program honoring Chicago’s first permanent settler. Originally made for the 1933-1934 World’s Fair, a replica of his cabin was reconstructed. 
A farmer and trader named Guarie had built this trading cabin and farmed the land on the west side of the Guarie River [north branch of the Chicago River] as early as 1778. It's not documented when Guarie moved. Jean Baptiste Pointe de Sable established “Eschikagou  , a settlement in 1790. He lived in the Guarie cabin (unsure if Guarie purchased it or vacated the cabin), farmed the land, raised pigs and chickens, grew corn and vegetables, and traded with local Indians.

The program opened with the signing of “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” noted as the “Negro National Anthem,” and featured State Representative Charles Jenkins as the main speaker. (Jenkins had introduced the bill resulting in the $75,000 state appropriation for the Exposition). 

The Chicago Defender, Chicago’s leading Black newspaper, sponsored a beauty contest to select Miss Bronze America. The winner, nineteen-year-old Miriam Ali, used her $300 prize to pay for her Illinois State Normal University tuition. 

The Exposition closed on September 2, 1940, with an elaborate program featuring the Democratic nominee for Vice President, Henry A. Wallace, as the keynote speaker (he promised a non-political speech and was elected Vice President two months later). Entertainment included the J. Wesley Jones chorus of 1,000 and selections by Paul Robeson. Organizers had hoped two million people would visit the Exposition, but It's been estimated that there were about 250,000 paid visitors.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Hub, Henry C. Lytton & Sons Company (Lytton Department Stores), Chicago's Premier Clothing Retailer. (1887-1986)

Henry Charles Lytton & Sons Company, popularly known as "The Hub," was one of Chicago's premier clothing stores during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The store was initially located on the northwest corner of State and Jackson Streets in Chicago's Loop. In 1912, the store moved into the newly built Lytton Building at 235-243 South State Street. Though specializing in men's clothing, The Hub also had retail sales departments devoted to women's clothing, children's wear, shoes, and other accessories.

The Hub was founded by Henry Charles Lytton, the son of a New York shirt manufacturer. Born on July 13, 1846, Lytton entered the merchandising trade as an errand boy in 1861. During the late 1860s, he helped manage an unsuccessful clothing store with his brother in the small Michigan town of Ionia. After the Ionia store failed, Lytton managed stores in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Indianapolis, Indiana. These stores proved more successful than his first venture, and by 1886, Lytton had amassed personal savings of over $12,000 ($350,000 today).

Quitting the Indianapolis store, Lytton relocated to Chicago and opened his own clothing store. Spending his entire savings and taking out additional loans, he leased a five-story building on the northwest corner of State and Jackson Streets and began to make inventory purchases. 

In early 1887, Lytton opened his new store for business. He named it "The Hub" to call attention to its central location and adopted the slogan of the "World's Greatest Clothing Store."

The Hub Chicago Tribune Pre-Opening Ads: Sunday, April 17, 1887; Tuesday, April 19, 1887; Saturday, April 23, 1887; and Sunday, April 24, 1887,
The Hub Pre-Opening Chicago Tribune, Sunday, April 24, 1887.

The Day After the Grand Opening of "The Hub" Clothing House. 
Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, April 28, 1887

An event of considerable importance took place yesterday morning, Monday, April 27, 1887, when the new men's general outfit store called "The Hub" opened its doors at 9 o'clock. The proprietor, Mr. Henry C. Lytton, is noted for his push and enterprise, and has over twenty years' experience in his line of business. Four years ago he opened the largest store of the kind in the State of Indiana at Indianapolis. Mr. Lytton has also done business in St. Louis, New York City, and Rochester, Indiana. Two reasons induced him to open his store at the corner of State and Jackson streets in Chicago. He happened to get the store on a reasonably long lease and was enabled to purchase his goods at an enormously reduced price. This spring manufacturers are overstocked with goods and "The Hub," celebrating its spring opening so late in the season, has been able to buy up a large stock 25 to 30 per cent below regular prices. This reduction, of course, enables it to sell goods this season at prices that other stores have to pay when purchaasing the goods.

The store at the corner of Jackson and State streets will be remembered as formerly having been occupied by a dry-goods store; and a dingy, dirty place it was. Such a marvelous change has been wrought by the decorator's art, however, that visitors yesterday were amazed at the magnificence and splendor displayed. Floral decorations were numerous and huge bouquets filled the air with perfume. The thirty clerks, with boutonnieres in their coats, were kept busy, and, altogether, the store appeared to be what its name indicates — "The Hub." The store contains an immerse variety of men's and boys' clothing, furnishing goods, hats and caps. One of the features will be a children's department containing the best class of goods in kilt and knee-pants,suits from the finest houses in Rochester, Boston, and New York. Mr. Lytton, a stanch believer in advertising, said he would do business on the one-price plan and refund the money in all cases where purchases are not satisfactory. The firm received over fifty congratulatory telegrams in the course of the day, and numerous friends personally extended their felicitations to the managers.

Lytton employed various attention-grabbing promotions and publicity stunts to attract customers. On one occasion, he tossed free overcoats from the roof of his store to the crowds gathered below. Like other Chicago retailers, Lytton also relied heavily on newspaper advertising. Store ads not only announced the arrival of new merchandise and upcoming sales but also touted the store's amenities and attempted to build its reputation. Newspaper advertising proved particularly important during the holiday shopping season, when the store, primarily known for its menswear, strove to make women gift-givers feel welcome as customers. As one 1924 advertisement promised, "The ease, the convenience, the courtesy, and the economy that women enjoy at The Hub during the holiday season make choosing acceptable Christmas gifts for men a most delightful occupation."

Strong business growth enabled The Hub to expand operations during the 1910s and 1920s. In 1913, the store moved across the street into a new building at 14 East Jackson Boulevard on the northeast corner of State Street. 
The Hub's New Building has two entrances; one at 235 South State Street and one at 14 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago.
The new Lytton Building was eighteen stories tall and cost an estimated $2.25 million. It was designed by the architectural firm of Marshall & Fox, whose other works included the Blackstone Hotel, the Drake Hotel, and the South Shore Country Club. The Hub store occupied the lower eight floors and two basements of the Lytton Building, while the upper floors were used for offices.

Henry Charles Lytton
Lytton retired in 1917 four years after the new store opened, and turned the business over to his son, George Lytton. However, when George died in 1933, the elder Lytton returned to serve as president of the company and remained in that position until his death.

Lytton's was one of the first major downtown retailers to open satellite stores targeting Chicago's growing suburban markets.

The Hub opened its first satellite store in downtown Evanston in March 1926. The two-story shop was located in the Orrington Hotel at Orrington Avenue and Church Street. By 1940, the Evanston store had expanded to occupy the two-story Beake Building at the northeast corner of Sherman and Church and the adjacent Tudor Shops Building at 701-713 Church Street. In 1950, Lytton's erected a new store on the Beake and Tudor Shops Buildings site and vacated the Orrington Hotel site. The new building featured air conditioning throughout the store, escalators connecting the first and second floors, and windowless exterior walls preventing sunlight from interfering with interior lighting effects designed to highlight the store's merchandise. The Evanston satellite store closed in 1984.

The second Hub store opened in March 1927 at the northwest corner of Broadway and Fifth Avenue in Gary, Indiana. The store was destroyed by a fire in 1966.

The Hub's third store opened in October 1927 at 1035 West Lake Street in Oak Park. In 1957, the store moved into a new $1.4 million building at the northwest corner of Forest Avenue and Lake Street. The new store contained 34,000 square feet of floor space, more than twice as big as the original Oak Park store. The Lytton's Oak Park store closed in early 1986, being liquidated in bankruptcy.

More Lytton satellite stores were opened in Joliet (1947), Evergreen Park shopping center in Evergreen Park (1952), Golf Mill shopping center in Niles (1960), Park Forest Plaza, Park Forest (1964), Old Orchard shopping center in Skokie (1965), River Oaks Center in Calumet City (1965), Orland Square in Orland Park (1977), as well as Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg, Hawthorn shopping center in Vernon Hills, Fox Valley shopping center in Aurora, and the Tri-City shopping center in Gary, Indiana.
1933/34 Chicago Century of Progress World's Fair.

In 1946, in honor of Mr. Lytton's 100th birthday, the store's name was officially changed from "The Hub, Henry C. Lytton & Sons Company" to "Lytton's." The name change also reflected a concern of the store's executives over the widespread use of "The Hub" moniker by other retailers. Lytton died on March 31, 1949, at 102 years old and is buried at Rosehill Cemetery and Mausoleum in Chicago.
The Hub's New Building at 14 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 1951 Postcard.

In 1961, a New York-based men's clothing manufacturer, Cluett, Peabody & Co., gained control of Lytton's by acquiring most of the company's stock. Under the ownership of Cluett, Peabody & Co., sales at first remained relatively strong, and new stores were opened in several suburban Chicago shopping malls. 

During the 1970s, however, the changing economics of the American garment industry and increased competition from discount retailers hurt Lytton's sales. Several stores in the chain began to lose money. 

In 1983 a St. Louis, Missouri investment group headed by Thomas Rafferty, former chairman of May Department Store Company's Venture discount stores, and Matthew Kallman, former president of Stix, Baer & Fuller department stores in St. Louis.

The new owners could not stop Lytton's rapid decline. Pursued by creditors and behind on lease payments, the firm filed for bankruptcy protection in March 1984. Nine of its stores were dissolved to raise money to maintain the flagship store on State Street. 

By the spring of 1985, only the downtown store and the Oak Park and Evergreen Plaza shopping mall stores continued to operate. In a last-ditch attempt to reduce operating costs and raise funds to pay off creditors, the firm's owners sold their lease on the flagship State Street store to a West German businessman and the building's owner for $1.3 million. 

But the store's major creditors, led by Maurice L. Rothschild & Co., a Skokie, Illinois apparel manufacturer and wholesaler, refused to extend any additional credit. With the additional credit, Lytton's could purchase new merchandise to sell in its stores. In September 1985, a bankruptcy judge authorized the store's creditors to seize the business and liquidate its remaining assets. 

All of the remaining Lytton stores closed in early 1986.

Wieboldt's, another Chicago department store chain, bought the Lytton's name and their remaining inventory.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.