Thursday, July 5, 2018

French Life in the Illinois County (1673-1778), from Canada to Louisiana, in the 1700s.

In historical writing and analysis, PRESENTISM introduces present-day ideas and perspectives into depictions or interpretations of the past. Presentism is a form of cultural bias that creates a distorted understanding of the subject matter. Reading modern notions of morality into the past is committing the error of presentism. Historical accounts are written by people and can be slanted, so I try my hardest to present fact-based and well-researched articles.

Facts don't require one's approval or acceptance.

I present [PG-13] articles without regard to race, color, political party, or religious beliefs, including Atheism, national origin, citizenship status, gender, LGBTQ+ status, disability, military status, or educational level. What I present are facts — NOT Alternative Facts — about the subject. You won't find articles or readers' comments that spread rumors, lies, hateful statements, and people instigating arguments or fights.

When I write about the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, I follow this historical terminology:
  • The use of old commonly used terms, disrespectful today, i.e., REDMAN or REDMEN, SAVAGES, and HALF-BREED are explained in this article.
Writing about AFRICAN-AMERICAN history, I follow these race terms:
  • "NEGRO" was the term used until the mid-1960s.
  • "BLACK" started being used in the mid-1960s.
  • "AFRICAN-AMERICAN" [Afro-American] began usage in the late 1980s.


If there is a single word that best describes Illinois during the French Colonial period, it is strategic. The colony of New France, hereinafter called Canada, was centered upon the eastern end of the Great Lakes waterways  one of two major east-west axes of North America. When Illinois was part of Canada, it was merely a far western margin of that colony. Even though Illinois had attributes that were in very short supply in the rest of Canada, such as a warmer climate, better soils, and large river transportation networks, Canada was focused upon the fur trade, and Illinois' attributes seemed unimportant.
Map of western New France, including the Illinois Country, 1688.
When viewed from the south, however, the Illinois Country is bracketed by the Mississippi River (the Indians called the Mississippi River "Sinnissippi," meaning "rocky waters"), Missouri, and Ohio Rivers. The Mississippi River forms the strategic north-south axis of North America. The Ohio and Missouri Rivers and their tributaries form another east-west axis for all of the midcontinent between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. More important, the Illinois and Wabash Rivers connect to the Great Lakes. All trade and travel were by water, and Illinois, at the center of North America, had vast potential for trade. Likewise, Illinois' potential for agriculture was unmatched. Illinois had another potential as well, but its primary importance was strategic.

Beginning in 1699, the French established a weak presence at Biloxi on the Gulf of Mexico, beginning the new colony known as Louisiana and establishing a tenuous connection through the Illinois Country all the way to Canada. From the moment France took possession of Illinois, British traders and the Indian tribes under British influence were already looking to the Mississippi River. Regardless of France's claims of ownership, the Illinois Indians were the only buffer keeping the Iroquois from cutting off Canada from the Mississippi Valley. Meanwhile, British traders were both expanding westward from the Carolinas and planning to colonize the mouth of the Mississippi River. France had to establish itself in the Mississippi Valley if it wished to hold on to the continent.

Despite a difficult start, the French managed to build substantial posts at Mobile (1710) and New Orleans (1718). They began establishing posts in anticipation of trade, mining, and military control at various locations along the Mississippi River. The French were establishing forts in the Illinois Country.

1680Fort Crèvecoeur, Creve Coeur, Peoria County
1682Fort Saint Louis du Rocher, North Utica, La Salle County
1691Fort Pimiteoui, Peoria County (Rebuild of Fort Crèvecoeur)
1720Fort de Chartres, Randolph County
1729 - Fort Le Pouz, Joliet, Will County
1757Fort Massac, Massac County
1759Fort Kaskaskia, Randolph County
French Map of "Païs des Ilinois" (Illinois Country) in 1717.
In Illinois, the earlier Jesuit mission at Peoria was still present when Louisiana was established. As part of France's efforts to better establish itself in the Mississippi Valley, a group rival to the Jesuits (Seminary of Quebec, better known as "the Foreign Missions") was allowed to start a mission along the Mississippi River in Illinois among the Tamaroa Indians in 1699. This establishment, later known as Cahokia, was nearly opposite present-day St. Louis, Missouri. In response to these rivals and to movements of the Kaskaskia tribe, the Jesuits then shifted their main emphasis to the south, founding the settlement Kaskaskia about forty-five miles south of Cahokia. Although Cahokia and Kaskaskia remained relatively small, this short stretch of the Mississippi River encompassed much of the total area eventually occupied by the French and French-Indian population of the Illinois Country. Trade with Louisiana increased rapidly, with agricultural products from Illinois helping sustain the rapidly growing posts in the south.

Given its location and its supposed wealth of food, furs, and minerals, the Illinois settlement on the Mississippi loomed large on the political landscape as planners in France, Louisiana, and Canada tried to decide what to do with their tenuous hold on North America.

Prior to 1718, the Illinois Country was formally under the control of Canada. During this period, Cahokia and Kaskaskia were essentially Indian villages accompanied by missions, and a small population of French Canadians married to Indian women. In late 1717, when the official lines of division between Louisiana and Canada were drawn up, Illinois became the northernmost of nine military districts within Louisiana. Louisiana was indistinctly divided from Canada through the middle of present-day Illinois. Peoria had previously been the center of Illinois under Canada, but now the Illinois River was simply one of the "roads" between Canada and Louisiana. The tiny settlements of Cahokia and Kaskaskia were the center of Louisiana's hopes for a colony in the heart of North America.

After 1718, the number of French people in Illinois immediately rose. For many years, the colony of French Louisiana was operated under a trade monopoly (initially called the Company of the West, then the Company of the Indies). The Company sent an initial expedition to fortify and occupy the Illinois Country, which ascended to the Mississippi River in the summer of 1718. Fort de Chartres was built about eighteen miles north of Kaskaskia along the banks of the Mississippi River. Then, the new Village of Chartres (1720-1765) quickly sprang up near the fort. The population of the French villages in Illinois was made up of a mix of settlers, soldiers, slaves, voyageurs, converted Indians, and administrators.

Initial hopes for the settlement of Illinois were based on the expectation that mineral wealth would be easily located and exploited. In spite of great efforts by the French, little more than lead mines were located, and the early attempts to mine the lead were unprofitable. As hopes for quick profits faded, the small French villages settled into a pattern of slow growth.

At the first census in 1723, Kaskaskia was listed as having nearly two hundred "French" people, while Fort de Chartres had 126 and Cahokia had 12. The French population was augmented by slaves who worked in the mines and fields and by soldiers. Indian slaves were purchased from local tribes, and black slaves were brought to Illinois in 1720 for mining operations and soon were common among the settlers. For instance, a census in 1732 shows that the French population was still less than 400 but that there were now significantly more slaves (119 Indian slaves and 165 black slaves) than nine years before.
Map of settlements in the Illinois Country in 1778.
By the 1750s, the number of French villages had increased to include St. Phillippe and Prairie du Rocher near the fort and Prairie du Pont near Cahokia. At the census of 1752 -- nearly a half-century after they were established.-- the total number of French community residents probably did not greatly exceed 2,000. About one-third of these were black and Indian slaves. Another source estimated that there were 260 houses in the Illinois County.

The standard French settlers were known as habitants. These families were headed by married French men who settled on the land. Throughout the French period, there was a general shortage of women, so in the earlier decades, the wives of French settlers were typically Indian women and the daughters of earlier French/Indian marriages. Another source of women in French colonies, in general, were orphans or those recruited from the impoverished classes in France. Officers and administrators sometimes brought their wives from France or New Orleans.

In both Canada and Louisiana, French settlers soon came to enjoy more personal freedom than their counterparts in France. Both the church and the nobility lost a certain measure of traditional control over the colonists. In accordance with their parent culture, the French in North America continued to display great respect for nobility and the privileges of rank. All who could claim any pretense of a noble-sounding name made full use of it.

Despite the distances to both Canada and New Orleans, merchants were able to establish themselves in the towns of French Illinois, where they employed -- men who carried the trade to Indian villages. Men farmed and traded or pursued a craft. Some craft skills were what one would expect; there were many masons and carpenters. Others worked as blacksmiths, millers, gunsmiths, roofers, tailors, and bakers. Other special skills were less common. For instance, records mention a wig maker, a tavern keeper, interpreters, and there was a "barber/surgeon." This odd-sounding combination of skills serves to warn us of that time of crude medical services. One skill surprisingly absent was weaving. Neither men nor women created fabrics. It was forbidden! All fabrics and most finished clothes had to be purchased from the King's stores or brought in with the fur-trade goods.

Some soldiers retired, married, and stayed in Illinois, but many more went back to New Orleans or France when their duties were finished. Another class of men living in the French villages were the voyageurs, who were typically born in France or Canada and carried goods back and forth to New Orleans in the annual convoy and made fur-trading trips to Canada and the Indian villages.

The presence of slaves in French Illinois is perhaps surprising given Illinois' later antislavery image. The truth is both more and less shocking than it might seem. The enslavement of blacks and Indians was relatively less harsh in Illinois in the 1700s than we generally think of in the southern states during the 1800s. Most slaves were distributed in small numbers among families rather than as workforces on large plantations. Both common practice and French law made slaves less subject to mistreatment. In some cases, slaves could even testify in court against their owners if mistreated. On the other hand, both morally and legally, this was still slavery. Indians and blacks were owned as property. Nor did French law allow blacks to intermarry with whites. Indian tribes captured native slaves from further west and sold them to both the French and other tribes further east. Slavery continued by both the English and the Spanish governments in Illinois County after the end of the French Period and was still a hotly contested topic after Illinois became part of the United States.

Lifeways of the habitants in Illinois were very much true to French culture. Both the form and the function of daily life were part and parcel of the Catholic religion. The annual calendar was crowded with religious observations, such as Holy Days of Obligation, in which there was no work but plenty of feasting and celebrating. Games and contests abounded. Holidays were celebrated with vigor and revelry, and every wedding, birth, and death was marked by ceremony, custom, and superstition. Marriage contracts, dowers and dowries, wills and inheritances, civil contracts, and matters of public pride and appearances were all avidly attended to in ways that hold but little resemblance to the arrangements of the English Protestant society that was forming along the east coast of North America. Temporary variations in the accepted codes of social behavior, such as can be seen in the Carnival festivities throughout South and Central America, were typical of French Louisiana and Illinois as well.
French Festivities in the Illinois Country.
Yet there were marked differences between the colonial French and their counterparts in Europe. The land was essentially free and plentiful, hunting and fishing were conducted at will, and lumber and firewood abounded. All basic needs could be provided for without great effort. Leisure and social activities were enhanced accordingly. Both civil and religious authorities were ineffective at closely controlling the habitants. Interaction with the natives instilled a sense of freedom and self-determination unknown among France's lower classes.

The annual convoys to and from New Orleans were central to the life of the colony in Illinois. Voyageurs might risk traveling to and from Canada and Louisiana on their own, but much of the goods and all of the office supplies for the colony came by way of the convoy. For much of the French Period, convoys had to be heavily guarded. Anyone carrying goods alone or in small groups was subject to being robbed or murdered by Indians who were encouraged by the British. The mere task of ascending the Mississippi River made more than one journey per year unlikely. Early each spring, when the water flow was high and the banks of the river were flooded, a convoy left Illinois carrying meat, flour, hides, and other products. The trip down to New Orleans took twelve to twenty days, but the late summer trip back to Illinois against the low water and less current was very slow. It took several months for the convoy of flat-bottomed cargo boats to be pushed, pulled, paddled, and sailed up the Mississippi River.

Illinois was the breadbasket of French Louisiana. During good years, approximately three times the food that was needed to sustain the people in Illinois could be raised here. Some products, such as wheat, corn, meat and hides, could be sold to the rest of Louisiana in especially large quantities. Convoys from Illinois supplied the French posts and villages to the south with huge amounts of flour. Corn, barley, tobacco, and cotton were also transported. Large numbers of cattle, oxen, horses, and pigs were raised in Illinois, and items gathered from the wild, such as buffalo hides and bear oil, were also transported in large quantities.
French traders and Indians traded European goods for furs.
Many of the better furs went north to Canada. Some lead was mined for Louisiana, but the quantity never met the expectations of administrators. The trading of goods and services  ─ bartering  ─ was the only effective mode of exchange. Very little money was to be found in French Illinois.

As hopes for easy mineral and trading wealth failed to materialize in the Illinois Country, the companies paying for administration and defense of the Illinois Country soon tired of the burden and began cutting costs. It was deemed sufficient to have the Indian tribes fight the wars, and many soldiers were recalled. Forts fell into disrepair, leaving the settlers to their own devices.

The Mesquakie (Fox) tribe in the north attacked the new colony from its beginning. Nonetheless, military support for Illinois was soon greatly reduced. Farming, hunting, and trading were all attended to at risk of attack, and numerous people were killed in the vicinity of the settlements. After the Fox threat was overcome by the concerted effort of many tribes and French troops from both Canada and Louisiana, a new threat arose from the south. The Chickasaw Indians, who were allied with the British from the Carolinas, persisted in trying to cut Illinois off from Louisiana. French Illinois lived in an almost constant state of sustained warfare.

In 1748, a formal assessment of the French interests in North America concluded that the Illinois Country was of very little economic value to France. Posts and settlements generated little income and were a net loss. None of the anticipated prosperity for the settlers there was going to materialize. Yet, it was clear that if France wanted to hold any of its colonies in North America, it had to hold Illinois. Thus, at the end of the French regime in Illinois, the bitter truth was the same as it had been from the beginning: Illinois was strategic. If Illinois was lost to the British, who were already starting to encroach in the Ohio Valley, then France would also lose the rest of North America. However the population in Illinois was far too small. Although birth rates were high, immigration to the French colonies had always been limited. Compared to the vigorous and diverse peoples flooding into the British colonies, French immigration had been especially slow because of the unprofitable reputation of the colonies. In spite of repeated plans to fortify the Ohio River, nothing of substance had ever been done there. Decades of trying to reap the maximum profits by skimping on the military defense, administrative costs, and presents to the tribes left the Illinois Country with no strength or resources. Worst of all, Illinois now had a long history of making very poor returns on investments. The French government was going to have to shoulder the costs of safekeeping the colonies at its own expense.

In the 1750s, France tried to stave off the dangers to its North American empire. A major expedition descended the Ohio Valley and ousted the British. A major new fort was built near the mouth of The Ohio, and the fort on the Illinois River among The Peoria was rebuilt. In anticipation of a spreading general war in Europe, coordinated efforts with Canada were made, and attacks against the western expansions of the British were undertaken. Yet these fixes were both too little and too late. France's ambiguities about Illinois were also typical of its other colonial possessions. They existed to serve France, and they were valued accordingly. The fate of the French empire in North America was decided on European battlefields. All possessions east of the Mississippi, except the mouth of the Mississippi and New Orleans, were ceded to England. New Orleans and all of western Louisiana, including Ste. Genevieve and the brand new settlement of St. Louis, were given to Spain in return for its loss of Spanish Florida to the British.

When the British took over in the mid-1760s, The Illinois settlements were largely deserted. Most of the French settlers had simply moved across the Mississippi River to be under Spanish rule. The British began expanding their trade westward from the Great Lakes and the Ohio Valley. Their interest in Illinois was largely so they could push an illegal trade into Spanish possessions to the west. For the British and the new American government that followed very soon after, Illinois was a new frontier facing the West.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D. 

Illinois' first penitentiary in Alton was unfit for prisoners when it closed in 1860. Then came the Civil War.

In historical writing and analysis, PRESENTISM introduces present-day ideas and perspectives into depictions or interpretations of the past. Presentism is a form of cultural bias that creates a distorted understanding of the subject matter. Reading modern notions of morality into the past is committing the error of presentism. Historical accounts are written by people and can be slanted, so I try my hardest to present fact-based and well-researched articles.

Facts don't require one's approval or acceptance.

I present [PG-13] articles without regard to race, color, political party, or religious beliefs, including Atheism, national origin, citizenship status, gender, LGBTQ+ status, disability, military status, or educational level. What I present are facts — NOT Alternative Facts — about the subject. You won't find articles or readers' comments that spread rumors, lies, hateful statements, and people instigating arguments or fights.

When I write about the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, I follow this historical terminology:
  • The use of old commonly used terms, disrespectful today, i.e., REDMAN or REDMEN, SAVAGES, and HALF-BREED are explained in this article.
Writing about AFRICAN-AMERICAN history, I follow these race terms:
  • "NEGRO" was the term used until the mid-1960s.
  • "BLACK" started being used in the mid-1960s.
  • "AFRICAN-AMERICAN" [Afro-American] began usage in the late 1980s.


The Civil War began with stylish costumes, orchestrated parades, and romantic notions of warfare. Neither the North nor the South was prepared for the endless marching, the awesome reality of battle, the finality of death, or the number of prisoners that each side would eventually be expected to support.

The attitude of the Union toward the War is illustrated by its first call for volunteers, which was issued by Secretary of War Simon Cameron on April 15, 1861, and called for volunteers for three months of service. After the first few battles, both the North and the South discovered the seriousness of the war into which they had entered, and additional calls to arms were issued. Before General Robert Edward Lee surrendered in April 1865, Illinois had provided over 259,000 men.

In addition to providing thousands of soldiers to the Union, another important requirement of the Civil War was filled by Illinois. Four of the thirty-one military prisoner-of-war camps in the Union were located in this state: Alton; Camp Butler, in Springfield; Camp Douglas, in Chicago; and Rock Island.

The North and South captured six hundred and forty-seven thousand prisoners in the Civil War. Paroles on the field accounted for 264,000 of this total. Of the remaining 410,000 prisoners of war, 215,000 were Confederate soldiers and citizens held in Union prisons; 195,000 were Union soldiers and citizens held in Confederate prisons. By the end of the war, 30,000 Union soldiers had died in Confederate prisons, and 26,000 Confederate soldiers had died in Union prisons. Andersonville (located near Americus, Georgia) accounted for at least 45,000 of the prisoners held by the South and was by far the largest holding facility in the Confederacy. This camp also had the worst death rate in the South. Between July 1864 and May 1865, 13,000 Union soldiers died, an average of over 1,100 per month.

Illinois accounted for approximately 53,000 of the prisoners held by the North. Elmira, New York, was the site of the second-largest military prison in the North and accounted for 12,000 prisoners. This facility had the worst death ratio of the northern prisons. In its short existence of 13 months, from July 1864 through July 1865, nearly 3,000 Confederate prisoners of war died, an average of 230 per month.

Illinois' first state penitentiary, built in 1831 in Alton, had been inspected by Dorthea Dix, famed prison reformer, in 1855. She had reported this facility unfit for prisoners because of its dirt floors and unsanitary conditions. By 1860, the state penitentiary had moved to Joliet, and the prison in Alton was closed. Upon learning of the vacant facility, General Halleck sent a request to Washington that the empty penitentiary be utilized as a military prison.
This corner wall is all that remains of the prison that once covered several blocks near Alton's riverfront. Stones from the prison were used in many buildings around the city. In the 1880s, the site was converted into a park and named after Uncle Remus, the character from Joel Chandler Harris' stories. When the park was abandoned, the ruins were relocated to their corner location at the opposite end of the site.
The first prisoners were transferred from the crowded Gratiot Street Military Prison (formerly the McDowell Medical College) in St. Louis in February of 1862. W.T. Norton's History of Madison County provides a description of the arrival of the first Confederate prisoners of war at the Alton facility: "On a quiet Sabbath afternoon, February 9, 1862, the first consignment of prisoners arrived from the south, brought up the river by steamer. They marched from the landing to the prison, passing through a gate in the south wall. It was a motley crowd. Not all were soldiers; they included spies, bridge burners, train wreckers and southern sympathizers of various grades."

At first, the exchange of prisoners between the North and South, as provided for in the Dix-Hill Cartel signed in July 1862, kept the number of prisoners down in the prison camps. With the collapse of this cartel, however, prisons in both the North and South began to overfill, and the quality of prison life decreased dramatically. Overcrowding and poor policing of the area made all of the camps breeding grounds for the diseases the prisoners brought with them.

The Alton facility, with its 256 cells, was built to house 900 inmates, but during its use as a military prison during the Civil War, its average population was about 1,200, with a peak of 1,900 in January 1865. During the course of the war, 11,000 inmates spent time in this former penitentiary, which consisted of several block buildings surrounded by a high stone wall. It was located in the downtown area of Alton, just a few hundred feet from the Mississippi River. Since the city slopes toward the river, the prisoners were able to see much of the town, especially the bell tower for the Baptist Church, and many are said to have watched the hands of the clock on that tower as they waited for news of exchange or the war's end.

To accommodate the excess prisoners, bunks three beds high were built in the hallways, with mattresses of straw covered by blankets or buffalo robes. The conditions that existed when Dorthea Dix had reported this facility unfit for the housing of criminals, with its dirt floors and unsanitary conditions, had not changed when the Civil War prisoners were moved in. Thousands of prisoners died from infection, malnutrition, dysentery, scurvy, and anemia brought on by the unsanitary, overcrowded, and poorly supplied environment.

In late 1863, a smallpox epidemic broke out that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of prisoners and guards. The small five-bed prison hospital could not accommodate the many men stricken with the disease, and when the Mayor of Alton heard of the epidemic, he ordered all Alton hospitals and cemeteries off limits to the prison. Until this decree, the prisoners had been buried in a small cemetery three miles north of the prison in North Alton.

The unsanitary and overcrowded conditions at the prison were causing the disease to spread at an alarming rate, and the warden looked for an area outside the camp to which all infected men and guards could be moved, and a new cemetery began. Sunflower Island (also called Tow Head Island), facing the prison midstream in the Mississippi River, became the site for the smallpox hospital and cemetery for the prison. Guards had to be threatened with court martial to make them report to the island, for smallpox was just as contagious to the guards as it was to the prisoners. Guards and prisoners were buried together, with as many as 60 bodies in a common grave. The number of men who died on the island is not well documented. Prison hospital records show an average of five deaths per day, with 900 buried on the island. Estimates of the unrecorded deaths and burials on the island range from 1,000 to 5,000. A memorial in the North Alton cemetery lists the names of 1,300 Confederate prisoners of war who died in the prison, which is the number of deaths recorded at the Alton prison by the official records. (In the late 1930s, with the completion of the Alton Lock and Dam No. 26, the island cemetery disappeared under the new, higher level of the Mississippi called Alton Lake.)

Prisoners anxiously awaited release, but few avenues were open to them. In the early years of the war, exchange was a fairly common occurrence, and the prisons went through periods when they were nearly empty between large-scale battles. With the loss of the possibility of exchange in 1863, as the North and South argued over conditions of exchange and Grant made known the advantage of holding so much of the Southern fighting force as prisoners of war, escape, and oaths of allegiance to the United States became more prevalent in the camps. These occurrences, as well as the conditions the prisoners found themselves in, are documented in diary entries by Confederate prisoner Griffin Frost: "We left old Alma Mater" (Gratiot Street Prison, St. Louis, Missouri), who, by the way, has been something of a stepmother, at three, but did not reach our present quarters before dark; immediately upon our arrival we were carefully searched, person and baggage, but I was fortunate enough to smuggle my book through wrapped in a shirt, which I honestly exhibited, but which too beggarly to invite scrutiny. Thirty-two of us occupy an eighteen-foot square room; some have bunks, others take the floor. John says they have some pretty tough times. Some of the men are treated shockingly, but it is usually the result of a hasty or impudent act or speech on the part of a prisoner; if a man strictly obeys orders and forebears comments, he is generally safe.
"... Discover that our change is very decidedly for the worst, this is a much harder place than Gratiot -- it is almost impossible to sleep on account of the rats, which run all over us through the night; it is hard to tell which are the thickest -- rats or men, there are over two thousand of the latter, and many of them entered for the war; in some of the buildings it is difficult to turn around. There is much sickness; the smallpox is prevailing, and many are dying daily."
The last prisoner exchange from an Illinois prison occurred in June 1863. At that time, 1,200 prisoners of war at the Alton facility were exchanged, leaving that site nearly empty for a short time. For the remaining 22 months of the war, POWs in Illinois camps who wished to leave prison were limited to either attempting escape or taking the oath of allegiance to the United States.

Eighty prisoners escaped from Alton in the four years that facility was in operation. Thirty-five prisoners escaped in 1862, with one mass escape of 27 prisoners through an 18-inch tunnel. In 1864, 46 prisoners attempted to overtake their guards as they left the prison for a quarry work detail. In the ensuing fight, seven prisoners were killed, five were wounded, and two escaped. Two guards were also killed in this attempt. Yet another escape plan was thwarted when two prisoners were caught at the outlet of the prison sewer system, where it dumped into the Mississippi River.

One of the prisoners escaped in a coffin in 1863. When the hearse was out of sight of the prison, Samuel Breckinridge of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, climbed out of the coffin and escaped to the South. Mr. Breckinridge visited Alton in 1937 and found his name on the Confederate monument for prisoners who had died in Alton.

In early 1865, exchanges of prisoners between the North and South on a man-to-man basis became more frequent, and large numbers of prisoners were released on their oaths of allegiance and allowed to go back to what was left of their homes and families.

The Alton prison was ordered closed on June 20, 1865, with the remaining 50 prisoners transferred to St. Louis.

The War of the Rebellion had ended, and the North and South worked to rebuild the ties that bound them as a Union. The prison facilities were vacated and, in many cases, dismantled, and the cemeteries often fell into disrepair. The Alton facility was torn down, and the bricks were sold for use in other buildings. One corner was allowed to remain as a reminder of the prison that once existed. It, too, fell into disrepair.

Over the next few decades, as hostility began to lessen on both sides, the prisoner cemeteries in the North and South received more attention, and monuments were placed in memory of those buried in often-unmarked graves. In 1910, the Daughters of the Confederacy dedicated a monument in the North Alton cemetery to the documented 1,300 POWs who died in the Alton prison camp.
Samuel A. Harrison, a former prisoner of the Alton facility, revisited the site in June 1938 at age 96 to choose a stone for his grave marker. The stone was delivered in 1944.
Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.

The History of Illinois' Fort St. Louis du Rocher (aka: Rock Fort) on Starved Rock.

During the winter of 1682 and 1683, men working under the direction of Jacques Bourdon d'Autray, a trusted member of explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle (Sieur de La Salle is a title only) inner circle, began construction of Fort Saint Louis du Rocher (Fort St. Louis) at today's Starved Rock State Park on the Illinois River [1]. The Illinois tribe called it "Ahseni" - the French called it "du Rocher" which means "The Rock."
The Starved Rock State Park location of Fort Saint Louis du Rocher on the Illinois River.
A wooden palisade was the only form of defense that La Salle used in securing the site. Inside the fort were a few wooden houses and native shelters.
A wooden palisade frontier fort fence.
The French intended Fort Saint Louis du Rocher to be the first of several forts to defend against English incursions and keep their settlements confined to eastern America and protected entry to France's claim of the Mississippi Valley (the Indians called the Mississippi River, "Sinnissippi," meaning "rocky waters") through the Illinois Country. The fort protected La Salle's men from attack—namely from the Iroquois Indians—enemies of the French and local tribes.

In March of 1683, the fort was completed, named Fort Saint Louis de Rocher, built on the butte (an isolated hill with steep sides and a flat top -- similar to but narrower than a mesa) which provided an advantageous position for the fort above the Illinois River.

Accompanying the French to the region were allied members of several Indian tribes from eastern areas, who integrated with the Kaskaskia were the Miami, Shawnee, and Mahican. The tribes established a new settlement across the river from the base of the butte. The French called the village both the Grand Village du Kaskaskia and La Vantum ("the washed"), also known as the Grand Village and the Old Kaskaskia Village which was near present Utica, Illinois.

René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle
The fort was at the center of what history calls "La Salle's Colony," a place where trade was conducted between La Salle's agents and the estimated 20,000 Native Americans who lived in the Starved Rock region. The fort was diplomatic headquarters for relations between the Indians of the Colony and the French.

Joseph-Antoine le Fèbvre, Sieur de La Barre, the Governor-General of New France (Canada), gave authority to Louis-Henri de Baugy, Chevalier de Baugy to take control of Fort St. Louis du Rocher on the Illinois River from Henri de Tonti in 1683. In February of 1684, the fort was besieged by a force of some 500 Iroquois for eight days. Despite limited ammunition and provisions, the defenders withstood three assaults, and the Iroquois were forced to abandon their attacks and withdraw the way they had come. In 1685, La Salle was given back control of Fort St. Louis du Rocher by the French King Louis XIV. Henri de Tonti erected Fort Miami on Buffalo Rock.

For the next eight years, command at the fort changed hands between La Salle, Henri de Tonti, Henri-Louis Baugy, and then back to Tonti. After La Salle's five-year monopoly ended, Governor Joseph-Antoine de La Barre wished to obtain Fort Saint Louis du Rocher along with Fort Frontenac for himself. By orders of the governor, traders and his officers were escorted to Illinois.

By 1689, inter-tribal bickering caused the non-Illinois tribes to leave the Starved Rock region and return to their former homes in today's Indiana, Lower Michigan, and elsewhere. With the natural resources dwindling, the nutrients in the soil sapped by years of successive farming, and with concerns of another bout with the Iroquois, the Illinois sub-tribes who lived at the Kaskaskia Reservation, located about a mile upstream and on the opposite side of the Illinois River, abandoned their camps and relocated to Lake Peoria.

Without customers left to support trade efforts on Starved Rock, the French abandoned Fort Saint Louis du Rocher and built a new fort near the new Illinois camps by Peoria. During the French and Indian Wars, the French used the fort as a refuge against attacks by Iroquois, who were allied with the British. The Iroquois forced the settlers, then commanded by Henri de Tonti, to abandon the fort in 1691.

Henri de Tonti reorganized the settlers at Fort Pimiteoui in modern-day Peoria. (Fort de Crévecoeur was also known variously as Fort Saint Louis II, Fort Saint Louis du Pimiteoui, Fort Pimiteoui, and Old Fort Peoria (Pimiteoui, was the name of what is today's Peoria Lake.) 

1691 marks the end of the French occupation of the fort on the Rock and colonization efforts in the Upper Illinois River. French troops commanded by Pierre Deliette may have occupied Fort Saint Louis du Rocher from 1714 to 1718; Deliette's jurisdiction over the region ended when the territory was transferred from Canada to Louisiana. Fur trappers and traders used the fort periodically in the early 18th century until it became too dilapidated. No surface remains of the fort are found at the site today.

Fort St. Louis du Rocher Burned and Colony Broken Up.
So long as the fur trade was conducted by Henri de Tonti and La Frost, the Indians were well pleased with their manner of doing business, but when it came under the supervision of the Governor of Canada, a new order of things was introduced, which caused much dissatisfaction. The governor appointed unscrupulous agents to conduct the trade, who swindled the Indians by selling them worthless articles, such as counterfeit jewelry, knives, and tomahawks, etc., made of pot-metal. These traders paid the government a certain duty on all pelts shipped to Canada, and no one was allowed to trade with the Indians unless authorized to do so by the governor. The duty consisted of a certain number of skins out of each cargo, which the traders compelled the Indians to furnish, otherwise, their value was deducted on making payment. The Indians being imposed upon by these swindlers, an unfriendly feeling sprung up between them.

There were other causes of ill feelings between the French and Indians, among which was the marriage relation. A Frenchman having married a young squaw would put her away as soon as he found another one more attractive, thus changing his wife at will according to his fancy. Although the priests would not tolerate bigamy among their Countrymen, yet they were willing to accept a marriage fee once a month, twice a week, or as often as the applicant desired a new wife. The young squaws were fond of wampum (beads), rings, and other trinkets, with which they would adorn their persons, and the one giving them the most presents they were willing to marry. It was the height of their ambition to marry a white man, notwithstanding they were liable to be put away at any time if their lord found one more attractive than themselves.

Under the Indian code of morals, a squaw, if found unchaste, was punished by cutting off one ear or branded on the forehead, but there was no law to prevent them from marrying every day in the week, or as often as an opportunity occurred.

Captain La Mott was now in command of the fort, and being a man fond of pleasure, and devoid of conscientious scruples, converted it into a regular harem, in open violation of both the French and Indian code of morals. Young Indian maidens were in the habit of spending their nights at the fort, under the pretext of being married to soldiers, returning home in the morning with their heads adorned with worthless trinkets, and their minds poisoned by vile associations. The squaws became so fascinated with the French that many refused to marry among their own people, and had come to the conclusion that their children were not worth raising unless they had French blood in their veins. Things had come to such a state in their social relations, that the head chief, Jero, called a council of chiefs and warriors, and at which it was agreed to expel the
French from among them.

On a warm morning in the latter part of the summer of 1718, while most of the occupants of Fort St. Louis, after a night of revelry and debauchery, were still asleep in their bunks, when suddenly aroused by the presence of the avengers. Captain La Mott, awakening from his morning nap, was astonished on being confronted by about three hundred warriors, armed and painted as for war. The Captain inquired the object of their visit, when Jero, the head chief, informed him that they were here to destroy the fort. The chief ordered the warriors to fire the buildings, and in a few moments the block-home, store-house, and dwellings were in flames, all of which were burned to the ground. Thus Fort St. Louis was destroyed, after standing thirty-six years and being the head-center of the French settlement in Illinois.

On the destruction of the fort the colony was broken up; some of the traders returned to Canada, others to the French settlement at Cahokia, but the greater portion to Peoria Lake, where a colony had been established seven years before.

Relics of Fort St. Louis
In the summer of 1805, a party at Kaskaskia, learning from the tradition that a large amount of gold had been buried within the stockades of Fort St. Louis, went in search of it. At that time the location of Fort St. Louis was unknown. History and tradition alike failed to point it out, but they knew it was on a rock washed by the rapid current of the Illinois River, and a short distance above the great bend in the river. On Buffalo Rock, they found as they supposed relics of the fort, and here they spent a number of days in searching for the hidden treasure. But finding nothing, they returned home and published an account of their expedition in the newspapers of that day. In this account, they describe the remains of the fort on a large rock, located on the north side of the river, and from that time forward it was conceded that Fort St. Louis was built on Buffalo Rock.

It has already been shown that Buffalo Rock did not answer the description of the place spoken of in history, but the natural advantages between these two rocks for a fortification, could not escape the observation of a man with La Salle's shrewdness. Buffalo Ruck contains on its summit several hundred acres of land, is only about sixty feet high, and accessible at various points, consequently, it would require a large force to hold a fort thus located. Whereas, Starved Rock is one hundred and thirty-six feet high, contains on its summit less than one acre, can only be reached at one point, which makes it a natural fortress, were but little labor would be required to make it impregnable so that a few soldiers could hold it against all the savages[2] of the west.

Immediately south of Starved Rock, and about one hundred and fifty yards distant, is a high cliff of rocks, isolated from the neighboring cliffs, and known as Devil's Nose. Eastward, across a chasm two hundred and fifty yards in width, and covered with a thick growth of timber, is another rocky cliff of equal height. This cliff rises almost perpendicularly from the water's edge, connecting with the main bluff, and from an old Indian legend is called Maiden's Leap. These two cliffs are almost as high as Starved Rock, and if occupied by the assailants would be within gunshot of the fort. Therefore, it became necessary to protect the aides next to them with earthworks and palisades. The earthworks on the sides next to these cliffs, enclosing almost two-thirds of the circumference of the rock, are still to be seen, leaving that next to the river without any protection whatever, as none were here needed. These works commence at the western angle, following the margin of the rock (which is of a circular form) to the extreme east, leaving an open gateway on the south, where the path ascends the rock and is one hundred and twenty-two yards in length. On the south side of the rock and all along the earthworks, which are now covered with small trees and stunted evergreens, are many pit-holes, two of which are very large. It is quite probable that one of these was the magazine of the garrison and the other a cellar of the store-house. The smaller pit-holes, which are seen here and there among the bushes, according to tradition, were dug forty-seven years after Fort St. Louie was destroyed, and under the following circumstances:

When the Governor of Canada took possession of Fort St. Louis, all the goods and furs belonging to the traders were confiscated to the government and the report says divided between the governor and his friends. Tonti, having at the time, in his possession a large amount of gold, dug a hole within the stockades and buried it to prevent its falling into the hands of the governor. Sixteen years afterward, as Tonti was about breathing his last, he told a priest who was holding a gold crucifix before his face, about the gold being buried within the fort. The priest kept the matter a secret, waiting for an opportunity to resurrect the gold, but soon after he was drowned in the river by the upsetting of a canoe. The fort was also burned and the French drove away, as previously stated.

In the summer of 1765, forty-seven years after Fort St. Louis was abandoned, a party of French at Peoria, among whom were Captain De Fond and Father Buche, believing the story about gold being buried in the fort, came up the river in search of it. They encamped at the base of Starved Rock and spent many days digging on its summit. No gold was found, but in a vault near where the store-house had stood, they found a large number of articles designed for the Indian trade, consisting of tomahawks, knives, beads, guns, and other articles. The digging for gold on Starved Rock accounts for the many pit-holes now to be seen.

This account of searching for gold is given in Father Buche's manuscript, now in possession of Hypolite Pilette, and from which many extracts are taken; Said he, "We had spent five days in digging pit-holes on the summit of Fort St. Louis du Rocher and found a large number of articles which were intended for the Indian trade, but the precious metal ‒ the object of our search ‒ we found none. On the last day of our stay, we dug a hole close to the old earthwork and continued working until it was quite dark when the devil appeared to us in the form of a huge bear. On seeing this monster we dropped our tools and hurried down from the rock, put our camp kit in the canoe, and started down the Illinois River." 

This story of gold being buried within the stockades of Fort St. Louis is also among the Indian traditions, and some years ago a party of Potawatomi from Western Kansas came here to search for it. People told them that Fort St. Louis was built on Buffalo Rock, and on it they dug a number of pit-holes but finding nothing they returned to their homes.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D. 

How Did "Starved Rock" Get Its Name?
The region was periodically occupied by a variety of native tribes who were forced westward by the expansion of European settlements and the Beaver Wars[3].
Map of Iroquois tribe's territorial conquests by region and year during the Beaver Wars.
There are various local legends about how Starved Rock got its name. This is only one of the stories. The Starved Rock Massacre of 1769 - Fact or Fiction is a research article analyzing whether this massacre actually occurred.

The legend of Starved Rock is a story of an Indian war. At today's Starved Rock area, on the northern shore of the Illinois River, lived a small tribe of the Illinois tribe. In the literature of French and English fur traders, and the stories told by other Indians, the Illinois tribe was known as "the Illinois of the Rock." They lived quietly, farming their gardens, hunting deer, otter, muskrat, and beaver. The French called the village across the river from Fort Saint Louis du Rocher two names; the Grand Village du Kaskaskia and La Vantum ("the washed"), also known as the Old Kaskaskia Village which was near present Utica, Illinois. A few times a year they traded their furs with the French voyageurs who made regular trips up and down the Illinois River.

In the 1760s the Illinois Indians fought the fierce Iroquois who came from the east coast. Later the Mesquakie (Fox), Sac (Sauk), Potawatomi, Kickapoo, and Ottawa Indians from the north and east joined with the Iroquois. The wars were generally short and very dangerous because the Iroquois always involved surprise attacks on peaceful, unsuspecting Indian villages.

Lone Indian warriors who crossed the river to hunt small game in the canyons were attacked and killed before they even had a chance to scream out. Women tending the cornfields, unmindful of lurking danger, were hacked to death. When the marauders were discovered, pandemonium reigned in their village. Some of the villagers ran to hiding places in the nearby woods or the canyons across the river. The warriors grabbed their weapons and went out to confront the enemy. War cries and death chants intermingled as the battle was fought. It ended only when the attackers were dead, injured or they could not continue to fight, or, they would run.
Chief Pontiac
Pontiac or Obwandiyag was an Odawa (Ottawa) war chief who was murdered on April 20, 1769, near the French town of Cahokia. Most accounts place his murder in Cahokia, but historian Gregory Dowd wrote that the killing probably happened in a nearby Indian village. The murderer was a Peoria warrior whose name has not been preserved. He was apparently avenging his uncle, a Peoria chief named Makachinga (Black Dog) whom Pontiac had stabbed and badly wounded in 1766. A Peoria tribal council authorized Pontiac's execution. The Peoria warrior came behind Pontiac, stunned him by clubbing him, and stabbed him to death.

Various rumors quickly spread about the circumstances of Pontiac's death, including one that the British had hired his killer. According to a story recorded by historian Francis Parkman in The Conspiracy of Pontiac (1851), a terrible war of retaliation against the Peoria Indians resulted from Pontiac's murder. This legend is still sometimes repeated, but there is no evidence that there were any Indian reprisals for Pontiac's murder.

The Ottawa tribe was unable to avenge his death. One of his allied tribes, the Potawatomi did, however, set out on the warpath against the Illini in the fall of the same year. The Potawatomi did not know that the Illinois of the Rock was innocent of the murder when they fell upon the little village. The Ottawa were busily gathering its yearly harvest. Unable to defend themselves when the hostile forces swept down upon them from the paths along the northern bluffs, the 
Illini waded across the low waters of the Illinois river and sought refuge on top of the rock.

The Potawatomi followed them and tried to scale the steep walls of the rock but were always repulsed. Unable to conquer the 
Illini by storming the heights, the besiegers camped at the foot of the rock, determined to wait until the Illini would be forced to come down.

Before long the food supply of the 
Illini gave out, and their water supply too, for the Potawatomi were careful to cut the ropes of the water buckets that were lowered into the river from time to time. Three long weeks the Illini stayed on the rock. Before the first week had passed, they had eaten their dogs; by the time of the third week, they were eating grass and bark. Hunger and thirst brought the realization that they must descend and chance a battle or die of starvation. They resolved to sneak through the Potawatomi camp during some propitious night.

On the first dark stormy night, the procession silently made its way down the steep eastern face of the rock. The first of the 
Illini was already passing through the outposts of the sleeping Potawatomi camp when the last was leaving the top of the rock. A mother slipped as she made her way down the cliff, her child began to cry, and the Potawatomi were awakened. The slaughter that took place within the narrow confines of the canyon was horrific. The cries of hunger-worn warriors, too weak to defend even themselves were soon stifled and then silenced. Womanhood and childhood was no defense, for women and children alike shared the warrior's cruel fate. Even those who had returned to the top of the rock were not spared. When all were dead, the Potawatomi returned to their land. Victorious, yes, but grimly appreciative of the horrors that took place in the blood-soaked canyon. It is said that even the victors regretted the clay on which they had shed so much blood.

Did any of the 
Illini escape? No one knows. Many years later, when Americans were already settled near the rock, visiting Potawatomi told them the tale. One old warrior said that the only person who saved himself was one of the last to leave the rock. When the fighting began, he saw no chance but death in the path ahead of him, so he chose to lower himself down the steepest part of the rock, from which he fell into the river and swam to the farther shore and safety. Others who visited the site in later years said that none escaped.

Such is the tale told by the Indians to the first American settlers who chose to live near the rock. Yet, it must be admitted, this story never would have happened. As far as is known, this story was first told fifty years after the time it was supposed to have taken place. And the men who told it admitted that it had been told them.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.

Additional Reading: The Starved Rock Massacre of 1769 - Fact or Fiction.

[1] There were more than one Fort St. Louis or Fort Saint Louis:

In the United States:
Fort Saint Louis du Rocher (Illinois), a French fort is later known as Starved Rock.
Fort Saint Louis du Pimiteoui a French Fort; AKA: Fort St. Louis II, Fort Pimiteoui, Old Fort Peoria; it was destroyed in 1680 and rebuilt/replaced in 1691.
Fort Saint Louis (Texas), a French colony from 1685 until 1688 near what is now Inez, Texas.
Fort Saint Louis (Wisconsin), a French fort and North West Company trading post near what is now Superior, Wisconsin.

In Canada:
Fort Saint Louis (Newfoundland), Placentia, Newfoundland, Canada.
Fort Saint Louis, a fort in what is now Moose Factory, Ontario, Canada.
Fort St. Louis (Shelburne County, Nova Scotia), Canada.
Fort St. Louis (Guysborough County, Nova Scotia)
Fort St. Louis, (or Fort Chambly), a French fort in Chambly, Quebec.

[2] "SAVAGE" is a word defined in U.S. dictionaries as a Noun, Verb, Adjective, and Adverb. Definitions include:
  • a person belonging to a primitive society
  • malicious, lacking complex or advanced culture
  • a brutal person
  • a rude, boorish, or unmannerly person
  • to attack or treat brutally
  • lacking the restraints normal to civilized human beings
Unlike the term "REDMEN or REDSKIN," dictionaries like Merriam-Webster define this term, its one-and-only definition, as a Noun meaning: AMERICAN INDIAN (historically dated, offensive today).

The term Redmen and Redskins are used often in historical books, biographies, letters, and articles written in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.

[3] Between 1630 and 1700, the Beaver Wars were battling for economic welfare throughout the St. Lawrence River valley and the lower Great Lakes region. The wars were between the Iroquois [aka Haudenosaunee; People of the Longhouse] trying to take control of the fur trade from the Hurons, the northern Algonquians, and their French allies. The Iroquois were known during the colonial years to the French as the "Iroquois League," and later as the "Iroquois Confederacy," and to the English as the "Five Nations," comprising of the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, and Seneca tribes.