Saturday, October 21, 2023

Lillian B. Williams was Riverview Amusement Park's most popular freak show draw ever.

Unusual human beings have been exhibited in public since antiquity. The first traveling "freak show" appeared in 1738 in Europe. Curiosity is the motivating factor of the audience.

For over 150 years, carnival and circus freak shows were immensely popular in America. At one time, there were 105 exhibitions of human freaks traveling the United States, as well as many featured in amusement parks.

The most unusual people were those in the Palace of Wonders, later known as the Freak Show, owned by Ray Marsh Brydon. People would stare at the tattooed lady, a contortionist, a sword swallower, a fire eater, or the "Human Blockhead" who would pound nails into his nose. There was the "Two-Faced" man who was promoted on the outside banner with two separate and distinct faces. The real two-faced man had only one face. One side was normal, and the other side was significantly deformed.

Chicagoan Marshall Brodien (1934-2019) worked the Freak Show stage at Riverview Amusement Park as a "carnival barker," enticing people to buy tickets to the show. He was a professional magician and later played Wizzo the Wizard on Chicago's Bozo's Circus and The Bozo Show. Marshall Brodien, the inventor of the TV Magic Cards, opened a magic shop in Old Chicago Mall in Bolingbrook, Illinois, and would perform a magic show in Old Chicago amusement park. All that ended when Old Chicago closed in 1981.

But the most notable Riverview Park "freak" was Lillian B. Williams ("Betty Lou"), the world's only "4-legged" girl. Born on January 10, 1932, she was the youngest of 12 children born to sharecroppers in Albany, Georgia. 

At age two, Betty Lou began to be exhibited by Ripley's Believe It or Not. According to Ripley's pamphlet, an X-ray revealed a perfectly developed head inside her chest. 
Lillian B. Williams ("Betty Lou")
While still a teenager, she had become quite wealthy, earning a handsome living, $1,000 a week during her heyday. Betty Lou put all 11 siblings through college and bought her parents a 260-acre farm, paying cash. She was known as a generous person, perhaps too generous, as her fiancé absconded with most of her money. She died in 1955 officially of asthma, but, as her friends believed, she died of a broken heart. 
Betty Lou lived her 23 years with a parasitic twin embedded in her torso with two legs and one arm protruding.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Abraham Lincoln, "Judge."

While most people know Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer before becoming President, few may realize he also had experience as a judge. As an attorney, Lincoln worked in the Eighth Judicial Circuit in Illinois, and twice a year, usually in the fall and spring, he'd spend nearly three months traveling by horseback and stopping at each county seat for a brief court term (most often two days to a week in duration). Lincoln often argued cases in front of Judge David Davis, who traveled the circuit with him. When Davis was ill or had personal business, he usually asked Lincoln to act as judge for a few days. This procedure was irregular and was altogether without statutory sanction; thus, Lincoln would only preside at a trial if all parties consented. At least two of "Judge" Lincoln's cases were reversed by the Illinois Supreme Court because of this irregular assignment of judicial duties. Still, Lincoln's integrity and character were usually so outstanding as to inspire confidence in his findings and weight to his judgments. 

A few examples of cases Lincoln dealt with as a judge were of little consequence. Once, he heard a case involving a merchant and a father of a minor son. The merchant had sold the boy a $28 suit on credit without the father's knowledge or approval. The businessman held the father responsible for the son's debt. To hold the parent liable for the son's debt, the merchant had to prove that the clothes were necessary and suitable for the boy's lifestyle. The father was prosperous, and the merchant contended he ought to pay the boy's bill. However, "Judge" Lincoln ruled against the merchant. Mr. Lincoln said, "I have rarely in my life worn a suit of clothes costing twenty-eight dollars."

In another case presided over by "Judge" Lincoln, a farmer named Hartsfeller sued his neighbor named Trowbridge for damages resulting when Trowbridge's cattle ate up the corn stored in Hartsfeller's crib (crib = a small building or rack for storing corn). Trowbridge had leased a portion of his land to Hartsfeller, who had raised some corn on the land. Contrary to Trowbridge's instructions, Hartsfeller had stored the corn on the same land. Trowbridge had enclosed his farm with a fence and had turned his cattle out to graze. The cattle entered the area where Hartsfeller was storing the corn and devoured the crop.

"And you say you went over and fenced the corn after you asked him not to crib it on your land?" "Judge," Lincoln inquired of Trowbridge.

Trowbridge replied, "Yes, sir."

"Trowbridge, you have won your case," was the terse reply from Mr. Lincoln.

The fact that Abraham Lincoln served briefly as a judge ("judge pro tem") should not be too surprising. Even as a young man in New Salem, he was constantly being called upon to reconcile or referee cockfights, horse races, and fistfights. He was a "natural" peacemaker and arbitrator. This characteristic helped lead to his rise to being one of the most well-known and respected lawyers in the entire state of Illinois.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.