Sunday, August 13, 2023

1853, October 10th, Five Tenements on Ferry Street Nearly Burnt Down, Chicago.

Between 12 and 1 o'clock Monday night, a fire broke out in an untenanted building on Ferry Street (Kingsbury Street), 5th Ward, and soon extended north and south among a cluster of wooden tenements. The fire burnt with much fury and, but for the efforts of the Fire Department, would have done extensive mischief. As it was, the frame buildings, numbers 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20, Ferry Street, were all more or less damaged, and three of them pretty much destroyed. The building in which the fire originated belonged to George Brandt and was consumed—no insurance.

The next building belonged to Peter Holler—this too was destroyed, though the furniture, etc., were mostly saved—insurance $400. The next building belonged to the Messieur (Gentlemen) Elmore and was occupied by J.M. Smith, a member of Engin Company № 5. His furniture was nearly all saved, but the house was pretty much used up—insured for $200. North of Brandt's building, a frame house owned by Mrs. McFayden, was nearly burnt down—not insured: and the grocery of Phillip Badey was considerably damaged. Loss by fire and water $200—no insurance.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

1853, September 7th, P.W. Gates & Co., Machine Shop Fire, Chicago.

The alarm of fire at 7 o'clock proceeded from a large three-story brick building on West Water Street, owned and occupied by P.W. Gates & Co., as a Car and Machine Shop. The fire caught in a fuel pen adjoining the engine spread rapidly to all parts of the building. The walls were left standing, but the roof and floors fell in, and the interior was totally destroyed. The woodwork for 60 cars was all ready for use but is a total loss. The full extent of the damages is about $15K. No insurance.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.