Sunday, December 29, 2019

Brown Derby (Amusement) Park, Thornton, Illinois. (1930s-1960s)

Brown Derby Park was opened sometime in the mid-1930s by Fred Pliscott, this small amusement park had three major rides, one was the wild and crazy "Lindy Loop[1]," and five kiddie rides, including a merry-go-round.
The Lindy Loop Ride (named for Charles Lindbergh) made by the Spillman Engineering Company in 1929.
The canopy-topped ride featured cars resembling old-fashioned sleighs mounted on crescent-style rails.  Each car held two passengers facing each other. The "restraint" consisted of a single leather strap that hooked into a metal loop at one end of the seat. As the car moved over the track (similar to a Tilt-a-Whirl with peaks and dips), the car would slide freely along those runners. A pedal at the riders’ feet engaged a clutch to flip the car upside-down.
Looks Safe.
A modern version of "The Looper" 

John Petro was Brown Derby Park's Ride and Concession Manager. The park had ten games of chance, a penny arcade, two refreshment stands, a shooting gallery, a dance pavilion, a theater pavilion, an athletic field, and a picnic area.

Compiled by Neil Gale, Ph.D.