Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Shumway, Illinois, is One-Third of a Square Mile in Size.

The village of Shumway is an unincorporated community in Effingham County, in Southern Illinois, founded around 1856. The village population was 179 (2023). Shumway is part of the Effingham Micropolitan Statistical Area.

The quiet village of Shumway traces its roots back to the mid-19th century. While details of its earliest days are shrouded in the gentle passage of time, we know that the area was primarily settled by families seeking the fertile lands of the Illinois prairie. Farming became the lifeblood of the nascent community.

The village of Shumway owes its name to one R.H. Shumway, a visionary entrepreneur who played a pivotal role in shaping its identity. Originally established near what was known as Summit Station, the village would relocate to accommodate a depot on the Vandalia Railroad in 1881. This strategic repositioning fueled rapid growth. This growth is tied directly to R.H. Shumway, who founded his seed company in Rockford, Illinois.

In 1870,  Shumway established the R.H. Shumway Seedsman company, a modest enterprise that would transform the village and ultimately make an international impact. Shumway's innovative approach, commitment to quality seeds, and shrewd marketing acumen saw his operation quickly outgrow its initial premises in Rockford. Seeking a better location to accommodate his expanding business, Shumway's eye fell upon the small, farming-focused community that would eventually bear his name.

By 1881,  Shumway successfully relocated his seed company. The village, strategically located along a railroad line, provided excellent logistical advantages at a time when rail transport was vital. Shumway's seed business quickly blossomed into a commercial powerhouse. At its zenith, the company was renowned as the largest of its kind worldwide, dispatching upwards of 200,000 catalogs each year. 

As its economic fortunes soared, Shumway steadily built out the infrastructure and amenities, befitting a flourishing village. Businesses sprang up, catering to the needs of the burgeoning population. Homes multiplied, lining its streets and establishing a cozy residential character. Establishing institutions such as churches and schools cemented the village's sense of community and purpose.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Shumway, Illinois.

This historic and picturesque church was established in 1864 and replaced with the current building shown in the above picture. It is a testament to the village's spiritual heritage. The date of 1864 refers to the congregation's founding.

The church you see today dates back to 1880, with additions, such as the parish hall, etc., made since then. The original structure was erected one mile north of town in 1865, but no records exist of whether any of that building or its materials were moved or they started rebuilding from scratch. The site of the original structure is still the site of Trinity's cemetery today, though it has been expanded several times over the years.
Trinity Lutheran Church interior, Shumway, Illinois.

Shumway's success transformed the once-modest settlement into a thriving regional hub. R.H. Shumway Seedsman eventually became one of the largest seed distributors in the world by the time of Shumway's death in 1925.

The village of Shumway grew in tandem with the seed company's success. This small community on the vast Illinois plains became a surprising agricultural innovation and trade hub. Residents took pride in connecting to the Shumway name, which is recognized locally and in households nationwide. The Shumway seed catalog was a familiar and anticipated resource for countless farmers and gardeners, promising bountiful harvests year after year.

However, the world was changing, and even small communities like Shumway were not immune to those changes. The agricultural industry continued to modernize as the decades passed, with large-scale agribusiness increasingly displacing smaller operations. While the R.H. Shumway Seedsman company was eventually sold, changing hands and relocating, the village named for its founder perseveres.

Today, Shumway maintains its small-town charm. Visitors find a quiet and welcoming place with residents proud of their history as a center of seed distribution and rural life.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.

Hooppole, Illinois, Hopes and Hardships.

Nestled in the heart of Henry County, Illinois, lies the small village of Hooppole, with a population of 169 (2023). Its name is as unusual as its story. Legend has it that the area was once a haven for coopers (barrel-makers) who ventured from Rock Island searching for the pliable hickory saplings abundant in the region. The wood from these trees made excellent hoops for barrels, thus inspiring the curious name "Hooppole."

In the late 19th century, hopes for progress and prosperity soared in Hooppole with the promise of a railroad. The Hooppole, Yorktown & Tampico Railroad (HY&T), nicknamed "The Dummy," was envisioned as an electric interurban line to connect Hooppole to larger markets. However, financial constraints and a lack of enthusiasm from some landowners led to a less-than-ideal route and, ultimately, a steam-powered operation.

The Evanston Avenue (Broadway today) Steam-Dummy Locomotive, Chicago, Illinois. 1864

The first car of this steamed-powered train was designed for the engine. The engine was enclosed to look like a passenger car, hence the name 'dummy.' The story goes that if the horses saw the engine, they would get spooked. It was thought that the more familiar appearance of a coach presented by a steam dummy compared to a conventional locomotive engine would be less likely to frighten horses when these trains had to operate in city streets. Later, it was discovered that the noise and motion of the operating gears of a steam engine frightened horses rather than the unfamiliar outlines of a steam engine.

The HY&T officially began service in 1909. Despite its limitations, the railroad proved instrumental in opening up the area, allowing farmers easier access to sell crops and giving residents a lifeline to larger towns like Chicago. It was hardly a smooth ride, though. The twists and turns of the track, resulting from land disputes, were a constant source of amusement and frustration for passengers.
HY&T Depot, Hooppole, Illinois. 1952

Through the first half of the 20th century, Hooppole remained a small agricultural community. While the Great Depression brought hardship, the folks of Hooppole possessed a resilient spirit. The HY&T Railroad, however, faced mounting challenges. After declaring bankruptcy in 1943, a dedicated investor named Howard Mathis kept the line chugging along for another decade. Sadly, the "Dummy" made its final run in 1954, marking the end of an era.

Today, Hooppole stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of rural America. While the railroad is gone, a sense of history lingers. Life in Hooppole maintains its quiet, small-town charm.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.