Wednesday, August 16, 2023

1856, April 7th, Chicago Manufacturing Co., Fire Total Destruction.

Monday forenoon, the Oil Manufactory, situated on the South Branch of the Chicago River, owned by the Chicago Rosin Oil Manufacturing Company, was totally destroyed by fire. About $10,000 worth of stock was destroyed, and the loss is approximately $20,000 ($719,000 today). There was no insurance.
Chicago Rosin Oil Manufacturing Company. This photo is a visual aid.

The fire was caused by the breaking of one of the large kettles, from which a large quantity of inflammable material came in contact with the furnace fires and then communicated the flames to the building. The stock was owned by Hugh Maher, F.C. Sherman, F.T. Sherman, C. Marsh, Dr. Morse, Richmond & Co., and C.B. Brown.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

1856, January 19th, Brewery and Dwelling Burned, Chicago.

The fire alarm on Saturday evening at about 9 o'clock was caused by the burning of a large brewery, "Bier Halle," dwelling and stable near the Illinois Central Railroad Engine House and Machine shops in the southern part of the city. The buildings were owned by Mr. Best and occupied by Mr. Siab. 
The Wein & Lager Bier Halle (The Wine & Beer Hall), a Bavarian-style (German) pub, at 513 South Halsted Street (1304 S. Halsted today), Chicago.

The firemen were promptly on the ground: but the flames spread with great rapidity; owing to a strong north-eastern wind blowing at the time and great difficulty being experienced in procuring water, the buildings were entirely destroyed. We have heard the loss variously estimated from $10,000 to $15,000. The fire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.