Monday, August 14, 2023

1855, April 23rd, A Two-Story Dwelling Fire Opposite the Lighthouse, Chicago.

At half past eight o'clock in the morning, a fire broke out in the two-story frame dwelling, on River Street (Wabash Avenue today), opposite the Lighthouse, owned by H. Fuller, Esq., and occupied by Mrs. Jenkins. 
The First Lighthouse was built in 1832. The Lake House Hotel is on the Right.

The damage was confined to the roof, and the loss was estimated at about $500 ($17,600 today). There was no insurance. The fire originated from a defect in the stove pipe.

The first lighthouse at the mouth of the Chicago River was built in 1832, but it fell over when it reached a height of fifty feet. It was rebuilt at River Street (Wabash Avenue). A pier and a new lighthouse became operational in 1859. The pier was extended, and a new lighthouse was built in 1869. A fog bell/horn was added in 1881. Another new lighthouse on the pier was operational in 1885.
A Pier and a New Lighthouse Was Built In 1859. Picture Date Unknown.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.

1855, February 26th, A Large Furniture Manufacturer was Consumed by Fire, Chicago.

About half past eight o'clock in the evening, a fire broke out in the large furniture and picture frame manufactory of Ferrie & Boro on the corner of Van Buren and Wells Streets. 
This photo is a visual aid.

In an incredibly short time, the whole of the extensive building was wrapped in flames, and with most of its contents became prey to the devouring element. The wind, though not high, blew with some violence, and four or five small dwelling houses in the vicinity soon caught fire and were consumed.

The night was bitterly cold, and the noble exertions of the firemen are deserving of high praise. It is not known how the fire originated. Mr. Boyd was in the building at 6 o'clock, and all then seemed safe. There was a painful rumor prevalent during the fire that four men had perished in the flames, but we cannot find sufficient grounds for placing the least reliance on it.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.