Friday, September 7, 2018

The History of Fort Beggs (1832) in Walkers' Grove, today's Plainfield, Illinois.

In historical writing and analysis, PRESENTISM introduces present-day ideas and perspectives into depictions or interpretations of the past. Presentism is a form of cultural bias that creates a distorted understanding of the subject matter. Reading modern notions of morality into the past is committing the error of presentism. Historical accounts are written by people and can be slanted, so I try my hardest to present fact-based and well-researched articles.

Facts don't require one's approval or acceptance.

I present [PG-13] articles without regard to race, color, political party, or religious beliefs, including Atheism, national origin, citizenship status, gender, LGBTQ+ status, disability, military status, or educational level. What I present are facts — NOT Alternative Facts — about the subject. You won't find articles or readers' comments that spread rumors, lies, hateful statements, and people instigating arguments or fights.

When I write about the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, I follow this historical terminology:
  • The use of old commonly used terms, disrespectful today, i.e., REDMAN or REDMEN, SAVAGES, and HALF-BREED are explained in this article.
Writing about AFRICAN-AMERICAN history, I follow these race terms:
  • "NEGRO" was the term used until the mid-1960s.
  • "BLACK" started being used in the mid-1960s.
  • "AFRICAN-AMERICAN" [Afro-American] began usage in the late 1980s.


Fort Beggs in Walkers' Grove, Illinois (the Plainfield area was called Walkers' Grove until it was platted as Plainfield, Illinois, in 1841) was an impromptu fort used for one week in May during the 1832 Black Hawk War.

The appearance of the fugitives, some on foot, some on horseback, and some in wagons, some bareheaded and barefooted, and crying out "Indians! Indians!" was the first notice that the settlers at Walker's Grove and vicinity were in real danger. The consternation produced can better be imagined than described.

At this moment, they resolved to leave as soon as possible and were deciding whether to flee to Ottawa, Illinois or Chicago when James Walker urged them to wait until the rest of the men returned. During this wait, the settlers built a wall around the Fort out of old fencing and set it on fire so that they might see an attack coming during the night.

The leading men in the settlement hastily consulted as to the best course to adopt. Some were for flight in one direction or another. It was concluded that the best course, at present, was to get together and make a defense.

The cabin of Father Stephen R. Beggs in section 16 was thought the best one for the purpose, and accordingly, they gathered there and hastily put it into the best condition to resist attack. By common consent, Captain James Walker, a man of great energy and good judgment, was made Captain of the Militia on June 25, 1832. Barricades were erected by tearing down fences and out-buildings, and they soon had a stronghold that became known as "Fort Beggs." Father Beggs' cabin was converted to a fort on a Thursday.

Sketch of Fort Beggs. This picture was undoubtedly sketched by someone familiar with the old log house that was at one time Fort Beggs and gives something of the general shape of the building. The breastwork was a temporary affair, according to Beggs' history. The people stayed here a short time and then went to Fort Dearborn at Chicago and did not return until mid-summer and fall.
Beggs later explained their dire situation if attacked:
Everything that could be of service as a means of defense, such as axes, pitch-forks, etc., were collected and brought to the fort. The women made themselves useful in melting up their stock of pewterware, more valuable then than silverware now, and running musket balls. Only four guns, however, could be mustered that could be relied upon. Here they remained in anxious suspense for several days expecting every moment to hear the yells of savage foes coming to attack them.
The following families and persons were living in this vicinity at this time: Jesse Walker, the pioneer missionary, and family; James Walker and family; Reuben Flagg and family; Timothy B. Clark and family; Rev. Stephen R. Beggs and family; John Cooper and family; Chester Smith and family; Wm. Bradford and family; Peter Watkins and family; Samuel Shively and family; Thos. R. Covel and family; James Matthews and family; Mr. Elisha Fish and family; Rev. Wm. See and family; Chester Ingersol and family; James Gilson and family; Robert W. Chapman, James Turner, Orrin Turner, John Shurtleff and Jedediah Wooley, Sr.

With the fugitives from Fox River, these made the number, old and young, gathered in Fort Beggs one hundred and twenty-five. As you can imagine the cabin was uncomfortably full.

By Sunday, a group from Chicago composed of settlers and Indians had come to rescue them. According to most accounts, it consisted of twenty-five or thirty mounted men. Some accounts say it was under the command of Captain Joseph Naper of the Naper Settlement, next to Walkers' Grove. In contrast, others say it was commanded by Captain Sisson from the Yankee settlement, and in other accounts, it is spoken of as Captain Brown's company. All these persons were probably active men who were along and getting it up, and they were all captains. There is no other way to reconcile the different statements.

It is known from conversations with Mr. Sisson that he was with the company. At the same time, Lawton, above named, a man who had settled on the Desplanes River near the present village of Riverside, and who was well acquainted with the Indians, and had a squaw for a wife, with about the same number of friendly Indians accompanied the mounted rangers. They stayed the night of the 21st at Lawton's place, and on the following day, Lawton and his company started for the Big Woods (a forest property in Joliet, Illinois, home to Fort Le Pouz. Today, the park is called Pilcher Park, previously known as Higginbotham Woods, owned by early settler Henry D. Higginbotham. Before that, it was called the Big Woods) settlement, near the present town of Joliet, where there was an encampment of Potawatomi at the time. The Rangers struck for Holderman's. They agreed to meet at George Hollenbeck's cabin. The company arrived at Plainfield and stayed overnight. Then, it proceeded to Holderman's Grove. They met Cunningham and Hollenbeck on the way, who informed them of the destruction of their property and told them it was useless to go further.

Notwithstanding this, they went on to Holderman's and stopped overnight, from whence they sent an express to Ottawa to notify the settlers of the safety of their property. This express returned early the following day with the news of the massacre on Indian Creek. They then went to Ottawa and from thence to the scene of the bloody tragedy, where they collected and buried the remains. The scene presented was horrid beyond description. While the company was engaged in this painful duty, Lawton, after going to the Big Woods, had gone to the cabin of Hollenbeck, where, instead of meeting the rangers, he found himself in the company of a hundred hostile Indians, who took him prisoner and threatened to kill him. Still, his relations with and knowledge of Indian character served him a good purpose. He had old friends in the crowd who affected his liberation when he and his companions hastened with all speed for Fort Beggs, reaching it with the news as before stated. He supposed that the company of rangers had been all butchered.

The visit of Lawton greatly increased the excitement and consternation at the Fort. Father Beggs says: "The stoutest hearts failed them, and strong men turned pale, while women and children wept and fainted," The first impulse of most was to seek safety in flight. But this might be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. Mrs. Flagg, a woman of great judgment and resolution, strongly supported those who thought it best to "hold the Fort." 

To this decision, most fortunately, they came. It was afterward ascertained that Indians were lying in wait for them. They made what preparations they could to meet the attack of the redskins. They built bonfires and kept them burning around the Fort all night so that the enemy's approach could be seen. On the second day after Lawton's visit, the rangers put in their appearance on their return, bringing the news of the Indian Creek massacre and other outrages. It was then unanimously concluded to go under the protection of the rangers to Chicago. A party of Indians was waiting for them at Flagg Creek, but, seeing they were so well protected, they did not venture to attack.

On Monday, the group had split up with some reconnoitering along the Fox River and the others (mostly Native Americans), led by Mr. Lorton (possibly David Lawton), going to meet up with General Brown, Colonel Hamilton and their men near Aurora, Illinois. This never happened because they were captured en route, but the Native Americans were "on good terms with Black Hawk" and were allowed to go free. Mr. Lorton, while on his way back to Chicago, briefly returned to Fort Beggs, told them what had happened and explained that an attack would come later that night. 

While here, expecting every hour to be attacked, their fears were greatly increased by the visit of Lawton, with some friendly Indians, who reported the country full of hostiles and advised the people in the Fort to leave at once for Chicago's Fort Dearborn, He made but a brief stop, he and his company hurrying on to that place.

Captain Naper returned with his men on Wednesday evening, brought word of a massacre on Indian Creek and advised them to leave immediately for either Ottawa or Chicago. The settlers chose to flee to Chicago, made preparations, and left the next day, on Thursday, for Fort Dearborn.
Fort Beggs was located on the DuPage River, and a monument was erected by the Will County Centennial Committee in 1936 to mark its location.
The location of the Fort is marked with a monument at the corner of Fort Beggs Drive and South James Street. Plainfield Central High School was built after the big 1990 Plainfield tornado.
Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D. 

The Daniel Dove Collins House in Collinsville, Illinois on Route 66 (built 1845).

The Collins House, now located at 703 West Main Street (both the Historic National Road {aka Cumberland Road} and Route 66 travel down Main Street), was the home to Daniel Dove Collins, the first President of the City of Collinsville. 
Built by D.D. Collins in 1845, the house is in Greek Revival style, a popular style between 1820 and 1850. The home was originally located at Main and Center Streets and moved to its second location a distance of six blocks to 621 West Main Street in the 1880s or early 1890s.

The house appears to be of post and beam construction. The porch spans the front of the house and has six Doric columns supporting the porch roof. The house has five openings on its front, 4 windows and a center entry door, each symmetrically between the columns. It's sided with a clapboard which is thought to be original. This home is one of the oldest in Collinsville and the only example of this architectural style in the area.
As the story goes, the main floor joist for the first floor may have been salvaged from a steamboat stranded on one of the Cahokia Mounds during the flood of 1844.
The original owner and builder of the house, Daniel Dove Collins, was a cousin of the Collins brothers who had founded the town. He came to Collinsville from Bangor, Maine, via Chicago. He served as the first village board president. He also served as an Associate Judge in Madison County and, for the rest of his life, was referred to as "Judge." He also served as the President of the Collinsville School Board and later as County Highway Commissioner. 

In 1998, the late Irving Dilliard purchased the D.D. Collins House, and donated it to the City of Collinsville. Mr. Dilliard's grandparents lived in the house at once, and he was interested in preserving the house. The City's Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) was tasked with restoring the Collins House. The HPC serves as the City's mechanism to identify and preserve distinctive architectural characteristics that represent the City's cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history.

Additionally, numerous individuals have generously contributed to the project. With Federal, State and local grants and private donations, the HPC has completed internal demolition, hazardous material abatement, required structural repairs, roof replacement, siding repair and replacement, exterior painting, and has opened original fireplaces. Exterior work has also included new guttering and door, window and shutter replacement.

The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places on November 21, 2002.
At the September 12, 2011, City Council meeting, the Council approved the expenditure of TIF funds for $150,000 to complete Phases I, II, and III of the renovations to the Collins House. With $58,000 remaining from a grant, these funds will be used to upgrade the HVAC system, install security and fire alarm systems, upgrade plumbing, remove and replace plaster walls and ceilings, paint the interior, and repair and refinish flooring. Additionally, the original fireplaces will be renovated, millwork completed, and an ADA-accessible restroom and ramp will be installed.

Plans also include the creation of an educational garden area. This will be the first historic home attraction for the City, and plans are to furnish it to the period of 1840-1860 and eventually have it open for public visitation and educational programs.

The Collins House was moved about 200 feet to the corner of Main and Combs Streets, now at 701 West Main Street.

In 1837, the first plat of the Town of Collinsville was executed and recorded by Elizabeth W. Collins (the widow of Willam B. Collins), Joseph Darrow, and Horace Look, all of the property owners.

On October 2, 1845, Elizabeth W. Collins, as guardian of the children/heirs of William B. Collins, sold and conveyed Lot 6, Block 1 of the Town of Collinsville, to Daniel D. Collins. This property was located on the northeast corner of Main Street and Center Street, 66 feet on Main Street and 148½ feet along Center Street, bordered on the rear by Wood Alley.

Upon this property, Daniel D. Collins built a house for himself and his new wife, Elizabeth Anderson Collins. The house was built on the rear portion of the property.

On March 17, 1849, Daniel D. Collins and his wife conveyed the property to Lewis Lancaster.

On April 1, 1856, Lewis Lancaster and his wife conveyed the property to Joseph Lemen Jr.

On July 22, 1856, Joseph Lemen Jr. and his wife conveyed the property to Andrew Edwards. In this transaction, he apparently financed this purchase by giving a mortgage to the seller, Joseph Lemen.

In October 1858, the property was purchased by the Chancery Court.

On May 8, 1860, the interest of Andrew Edwards and his wife was conveyed by a Master's Deed back to Joseph Lemen.

On December 2, 1861, Joseph Lemen and his wife conveyed the property to Oliver C. Look. During this time, Look may have built the building on the east 22 feet of Lot 6. An old photo exists of “D. W. Jones Candy and Confectionery Store” with the house on the west and set back from Main Street towards the rear of the building (as seen in the old photograph). Oliver lived on the property from 1861 to 1885.

On April 22, 1887, Oliver C. Look and his wife conveyed the property to James I. Dilliard (his son-in-law, married to their daughter Mary Look; Mary lived in the house as a child. James and Mary were the parents of Irving Dilliard, who purchased the house in 1998 and donated it to the City).

On April 29, 1887, James I. Dilliard conveyed the east 1/3 of Lot 6 Block One to David W. Jones.

On April 23, 1887, James I. Dilliard conveyed the west 2/3 of Lot 6 Block One to Charles Gindler.

On March 30, 1892, Charles Gindler conveyed to the State Bank of Collinsville the west 2/3 of Lot 6 Block One.

At that time, the west 2/3 of Lot 6 was vacant, except for the house, which had been constructed by Daniel D. Collins in 1845.

The Bank desired to build a larger commercial building to house the Bank on the first floor and other businesses on the second floor. This was when the house was moved seven blocks west to the 621 West Main Street location.

William and Agnes Bonn purchased the house about 1915, and the widow Agnes passed away in 1996, and in 1998 the house was to go to auction. Still, just before that happened, Irving Dilliard purchased the home and donated it to the City of Collinsville. It is the oldest surviving house in the City.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.