Friday, January 5, 2024

Al Capone's Police Photo from New York City, December 26, 1925. The real story.

Twenty-six-year-old Al Capone's primary reason for being in New York was to bring his son, Albert "Sonny" Capone, to a specialist for a critical medical procedure. Sonny was suffering from a mastoid infection that threatened his life. The operation, thankfully, was successful and saved Sonny's life, although it left him partially deaf.
While Sonny was recovering, Capone took the opportunity to socialize and visit old haunts. He ended up at the Adonis Social Club in Brooklyn, a speakeasy with ties to his former boss, Frankie Yale. During the early hours of December 26, a violent altercation broke out involving the infamous Irish mobster Richard "Pegleg" Lonergan. Lonergan was shot and killed, along with two of his associates, in what some believe was a planned hit orchestrated by Yale and potentially carried out with Capone's involvement.

Following the Adonis Social Club incident, Capone was briefly detained by the New York Police Department. This was likely due to his proximity to the crime scene and his high-profile status. While in police custody, he was photographed as part of a lineup procedure, a standard practice for identifying suspects.

It's important to note that the exact details of the Adonis Social Club incident and Capone's role in it remain shrouded in some mystery. He was never officially charged with Lonergan's murder, but the incident undoubtedly added to his notoriety and cemented his image as a ruthless and powerful mob boss.

Copyright © 2024 Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

The "Beep Line" from WLS (890 AM) radio, Chicago, explained.

The "Beep Line" on Chicago's WLS AM radio wasn't explicitly started by any one disc jockey. It was a phenomenon that emerged organically from the technological limitations of the telephone system at the time. However, Richard "Dick" Orlando Biondi's popularity and engagement with his young listeners contributed significantly to its rise and popularity. Chicago teens whispered secrets between the beep (on hold) tones.

Technical glitch: Beep lines arose from busy signals. When two or more callers reached the same busy number, they could hear each other over the "beep" tone, creating an impromptu conference (party line) call. This phenomenon existed before Biondi on WLS (890 AM) but wasn't widely known.
Richard "Dick" Orlando Biondi
Hired in 1960, Biondi left WLS over a dispute involving the number of commercials on his radio show in 1963. Rumors and urban legends still persist that Biondi told an obscene joke on the air, which resulted in his being fired. Biondi returned to Chicago on WCFL (1000 AM) in 1967. In 1972, after a short time at WMAQ (AM), he left Chicago once again.

Biondi's teen appeal: In the early 1960s, Biondi was WLS's most popular DJ, adored by Chicago teenagers. He frequently hosted interactive segments, inviting listeners nationwide to call collect, request songs, chat, and participate in contests.

Word-of-mouth: Teens discovered that calling popular numbers, especially during Biondi's show, sometimes landed them on a "beep line" with other callers. This created a thrill and fostered a sense of community.

As the years passed, people confessed to setting up a date with a stranger via the Beep Line.

Biondi's acknowledgment: Though he didn't actively promote beep lines, Biondi occasionally acknowledged them on air, further fueling their popularity. This unintentional endorsement cemented their association with WLS and Biondi's show.

So, while Dick Biondi wasn't the "inventor" of the beep line, his immense popularity and the interactive nature of his show undoubtedly amplified the phenomenon and made WLS the epicenter of beep line activity in Chicago during the early 1960s.

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D.