Saturday, June 15, 2019

V8 Vegetable Juice was created in Evanston, Illinois.

V8 Vegetable Juice was created by W.G. Peacock (1896-1948) in 1933 in Evanston, Illinois, the founder of the New England Products Company, which manufactured individual vegetable juices under the brand name Vege-min. The dominant juice in this mixture is tomato juice comprising nearly 87% of the total juice.
During World War II, a child purchases a can of V8, handing the grocer a ration book.
To try to boost sales, Peacock began experimenting with mixing the juices from different vegetables to improve the overall flavor. Eventually, he came up with the recipe for "Vege-min 8", which was later shortened to "V8" at the suggestion of a local grocery store in Evanston carrying the product. Peacock said he renamed the product V8 after the V8 engine, the most powerful engine at the time.
Ronald Reagan V8 Vegetable Juice Ad, 1952.

Ann Sheridan V8 Juice Ad.

Frank Constable of Chicago, who worked as a contractor for W.G. Peacock, developed a blended formula of vegetable juices from tomatoes, carrots, celery, beets, parsley, lettuce, watercress, and spinach with spices such as dill. His vegetable juice recipe has endured all these years as a saleable product that is still enjoyed today.
Shirley Temple V8 Vegetable Juice magazine advertisement.
Fred MacMurray V8 Vegetable Juice Ad.
Frank had a long career working in the grocery business. His mother and father owned a grocery store, and it was there that he learned about the food business. In his career, he also worked for Monarch Foods and was one of their best salesmen.
Dorothy Lamour Ad for V8 Juice. A famous 1931 Marshall Field & Co., Elevator Girl.
V8 Vegetable Juice ad from the Ladies Home Journal, 1947.
Rhonda Fleming, Hollywood Actress, 1940s
The V8 recipe was purchased by the Campbell Soup Company in 1948. Campbell's acquired the brand from the Charles Loudon Packing Company in Terre Haute, Indiana. It was the same year W.G. Peacock died, and Ronald Reagan was the leading spokesman for V8.

  • "Wow, It Sure Doesn't Taste like Tomato Juice!" (1960s)
  • "Drink V8 & Keep Your Diet Straight!" (1990s–present)
  • "Drink Smarter with V8." (2000–present)
  • "Drink It. Feel It." (2003–2004)
  • "Should've Had a V8." (1970s-1980s, 2009–present) ("Could've Had a V8." used in tandem)

Compiled by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph.D. 


  1. love the taste, but the low sodium version just doesn't cut it unless you add something back in to spice it up more

  2. Douglas Hough
    My Mom was a big fan of this! She'd serve it as a healthy side for dinner and I remember her saying in a Mommy-type voice..."Now drink your V8!!" In fact, it was so popular with Mom & Dad, they always used it for something they called a Bloody Mary before dinner!


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