Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Death of Sadie Hamill in Homer, Illinois. 1925

Sunday night between 6 and 7 o’clock one of the most serious accidents ever happening in Homer occurred north of town on the park road near the home of Claude Towner.
Edna Hamill standing next to a sign erected after the death of her mother near
Homer Park while walking to the movies in the park in Homer, Illinois. 1925
That evening Mrs. L. L. Hamill in company with her daughter, Miss Edna, and Miss Ada Morrison, chief operator of the local telephone exchange left the Hamill home on North Main street, to walk to the park, expecting to enjoy the movies. It is said they left town locked-arms.

Clarence Davis, a young man of 19 summers, and a son of Charles Davis of near Allerton, was driving a Dodge [automobile] going north. Another car, said to have been a large Buick was coming south and just behind it was Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McCarty of Homer in a Ford sedan. It is said the Davis car driver had dimmed his lights but that the Buick failed to do so, thus blinding Davis, who was unable to see the three ladies until right on them. By swerving to the left he apparently did not swing far enough to miss them. By striking the pedestrians the impact caused the car to skid into the McCarty car, turning it over, smashing it up considerably. The Buick passed on.

This road is much of a speedway and traffic is very heavy on Sunday. Therefore after the crash occupants of cars passing halted and soon a very large and excited crowd had gathered.

Mrs. Hamill and daughter were found in the ditch to the right while Miss Morrison was some 30 feet or more in front of the wrecked machine. Mr. McCarty escaped any injury but his wife was badly bruised and cut, one artery in the left arm having been severed, but quick work on the part of U. G. Martin, a passing motorist, kept her from bleeding to death until physicians were on the scene. Mr. Martin tied a tourniquet. The Davis boy escaped any injury. 

Homer Enterprise, Homer, Illinois
Front Page - Friday, September 18, 1925 

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